Font Jokes

Funny Font Jokes
Score: 45

I love my girlfriend Arial. I'm quite font of her.

Score: 28

The Leaning Tower of Pisa actually isn't leaning. ...they just built it in Italic font.

Score: 26

What's Robin Hood's favourite font? Sans Sheriff!

Score: 21

If an angel statue is removed from a fountain... ...would that make it a sans seraph font?

Score: 20

What was Bob Marley's favourite font? Sans Sheriff!

Score: 18

What font is alphabet soup in? Times New Ramen.

Score: 17

Which font do sky-writers use? arial

Score: 13

Who handles font related crimes? A sans sheriff!

Score: 13

The one who created the memes font really changed the world. I mean, he really made an Impact.

Score: 10

What font was used on Wyatt Earp's tombstone? Sans Sheriff.

Score: 9

What font do Japanese people use Times new ramen

Score: 9

I saw a graffiti artist spraying a police station in a thick font. Now that is bold.

Score: 9

What font is used for alphabet soup. Times New Ramen

Score: 8

What do you call a fountain whose angel statue has been stolen? A sans seraph font.

Score: 7

There something I don't like about the tree in my font yard. Seems kinda shady!

Score: 6

I don't mind comic sans. It's honestly a very well rounded font.

Score: 5

What is Chewbacca's least favorite font? Sans Solo.

Score: 5

I like my.... I like my women how I like my font ... 18 and **bold**

Score: 4

What did one font say to the other while at the beach? "Serifs up, dude!"

Score: 4

I like my women how I like my font 18 and **bold**

Score: 4

A font walks into a bar... The bartender says "I'm sorry, we don't serve your type here"

Score: 4

A Font Designer and a Police Officer Walk Into a Bar... The font designer leaves sans sheriff.

Score: 4

A good looking font walks into a bar and approaches a woman. She looks at him and says "keep walking. You're not my type".

Score: 4

What is an outlaws favourite font? Sans-Sheriff

Score: 4

What's a french criminal's favourite font? Sans Sheriff

Score: 4

What font do they use under the sea? Ariel

Score: 4

What font is alphabet soup produced in? Times New Ramen

Score: 3

What is the Dothraki font of choice? Kaleebri

Score: 3

I'm not fat! My DNA's just bold font.

Score: 3

What is the Empire's favorite font type? Sans scarif

Score: 3

[Rogue One Spoilers] What is the empire's favorite kind of font? Sans Scarif

Score: 3

I like my woman like I like my font Calibri, 12.

Score: 3

Why did the architect take so long to get started on his church blueprints? He couldn't decide what font to use.

Score: 2

What's the safest font? Helmetica.

Score: 2

What is Bob Marley's favorite font? Anything sans sheriff.

Score: 1

What is the first rule of font club? What is the first rule of font club?
No talking about font club.
What is the second rule of font club?
No using comic sans

Score: 1

Why does the current Pakistani Prime Minister hate the Calibri font? Because it is sans Sharif

Score: 1

In other news, Pakistan's official font has been announced: Sans Sharif.

Score: 1

A comedian I knew thought it'd be funny to think of a joke about a font. However, after 3 hours thought he came up with nothing. Turns out he's a comic sans genius.

Score: 0

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