Gandhi Jokes

If you could have dinner with any historical figure, who would you choose? "Gandhi."

Why him?

"More food for me."

Score: 10151

I went trick or treating as Gandhi and kept all of my candy in a hat And when someone tried to take the candy from my hat i told them "My hat my candy"

Score: 2730

Gandhi walked barefoot most of the time, was quite skinny, and apparently had bad breath. That'd make him a super calloused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis

Score: 108

Me: My friend reminds me of Gandhi. My wife: He looks nothing like Gandhi!

My friend, tapping me on the shoulder: Don’t forget about Gandhi.

Score: 84

Why were Gandhi's remains compressed to make piles of 50 rupee coins? he said "be the change you wish to see in the world".

Score: 34
Funny Gandhi Jokes
Score: 23

It took Gandhi over a month to cross the Alps barefoot, no washing, worn out, and survived only on garlic. He was a... Super-calloused fragile mystic, extra halitosis.

Score: 21

So you know how Gandhi walked a lot around India until he was an old, feeble man? I hear he also had really bad breath... He was a super-calloused fragile mystic hexed with halitosis.

Score: 12

A legendary quote by Mahatma Gandhi "History is not created by those who browse in incognito mode"

Score: 12

What did Gandhi say to the British, after they asked him to move? Nah, mastay

Score: 8

Why was Gandhi thrown out of the orchestra? He rejected the violins.

Score: 6

Why doesn't the fat acceptance movement have a Gandhi? No one is willing to go on a hunger strike for the cause

Score: 5

What'd Gandhi say when his friend told him to leave the protest? Na 'ma ste

Score: 4

Kennedy, Lennon, Gandhi If you don’t want you kids assassinated, don’t name them after an airport.

Score: 4

Why doesn't India celebrate halloween? No Gandhi

Score: 3

Great idea Journalist: What do you think of western civilization?
Gandhi: I think it would be a great idea!

Score: 3

Dad, Why was Mahatma Gandhi bald "Because he always spoke the truth"

"Oh! That's why woman have long hair"

Score: 3

Don't believe everything you see on internet. -Mahatma Gandhi

Score: 3

Why was Gandhi an advocate of naan violence? Because Hindus hate beef

Score: 3

I think I’m going to start quoting Gandhi more. “I’m hungry.” - Gandhi

Score: 3

If Gandhi went on a 100 day journey with no shoes or toiletries... ... he would be a super calloused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis

Score: 2

What do you call it when Gandhi starts a food fight? Naan violence

Score: 2

What did Gandhi say after his hunger strike? That was fast.

Score: 2

I met a homeless man who looked just like Gandhi... He said "be the change you want to see in the world... And can you spare some."

Score: 2

Trump made a New Year’s resolution to be more like Gandhi So he’s starting a nuclear war

Score: 2

A boy and his mother passed a cemetery. The boy saw a gravestone read 'Here lies an honest lawyer'. He said to his mother "I thought Gandhi was cremated."

Score: 1

Joke! Rahul Gandhi walks into a bar and lowers it. What does this joke mean?

Score: 1

What do Gandhi and Usain Bolt have in common? They both fast

Score: 1

The sequel to Gandhi Fasting and Furious

Score: 1

So what is the difference between People and Bullets? ​


People miss Gandhi

Score: 1

What did Gandhi's coach yell while Gandhi was running in the 100 meter dash? Faster, faster!

Score: 0

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