Georgia Jokes

I don’t know what to say. Someone stole all the fruit from my farm in Georgia. I’m peachless.

Score: 11

So I saw one of those "Drink for Pink" labels on a bottle of juice... Sounds like Georgia Tech's hookup strategy.

Score: 10

Why is Trump losing support in Georgia? Hates peach.

Score: 9

I think it's kinda funny people named their kids after US states… Y'know, names like Carolina, Georgia, Dakota, Virginia, etc. When I have a kid, I'm gonna name him Michigan, just in case some guy named Mitch reincarnates into him.

Score: 7
Funny Georgia Jokes
Score: 5

Anheuser Busch is using a Georgia brewery to can water for flood victims in Oklahoma and Texas They're labeling very clearly so people don't confuse it with Bud Light

Score: 5

How did the Democrats feel about the results of Georgia's special election ? The just couldn't Handel the loss. They had worked their Ossof for it.

Score: 5

I once lost a raffle where the prize was the entire mall of Georgia. I guess you can't win a mall.

Score: 5

I don’t understand satanists Why would anyone pray to someone who lost a fiddle playing contest to some hillbilly from Georgia?

Score: 5

A friend from the USA has problems differentiating states and countries... So I explained to him that Georgia is a state, but Georgia on the other hand is a country.

Fun fact: It's no joke, that really happened, unfortunately.

Score: 4

My girlfriends are a lot like the winters we have here in Georgia. When I finally get one they stick around for 2 days then leave

Score: 4

It's not easy being the President of Russia Putin waking up.

Oh glorious leader, bad news ... we have lost Georgia


Score: 4

what do you call a girl in Georgia that can outrun her brothers? A Virgin.

Score: 3

Why can the Devil never go back to Georgia? He fiddled up a little kid.

Score: 3

You know how all these actresses are pulling out of Georgia over the abortion thing... ​


don't they know that isn't effective birth control?

Score: 3

There's Georgia, the state, and Georgia, the country... But my favorite will always be Georgia, the Jungle.

Score: 3

If Trump blows this lead in Georgia, it wouldn't the first time that Atlanta has been involved in a blown lead that resulted in a Patriots win credit to u/FenwayPatriot for this legendary comment

Score: 3

Everyone in Georgia loves a good peach. Apparently they don’t like oranges as much.

Score: 3

What is the most played song in Georgia today? blue by eiffel 65

Score: 3

So, there was an earthquake in Georgia. Guess your mom had a good Valentine's Day.

Score: 2

The Devil went down to Georgia . . . And obviously reneged on his deal with Falcons fans.

Score: 2

Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia rice-growing is at an all-time low But the South will rice again

Score: 2

What do General Sherman and Putin have in common? Burning Georgia.

Score: 2

What Vladimir Putin and General Sherman have in common? Invading Georgia.

Score: 2

What’s long, brown, and toothless? The unemployment line in Georgia.

Score: 2

Why did Shirley Carriage of Georgia pray for a son? She didn’t want to be investigated for having a Ms. Carriage

Score: 2

Wanna hear a joke? Alabama and Georgia.

Score: 2

Top 3 Most Famous People from Georgia 3) Julia Roberts

2) Martin Luther King Jr.

1) Joseph Stalin

Score: 2

It’s so dry in Georgia The Baptists have started sprinkling and the Methodists are just slapping folks in the face with a wet rag.

Score: 2

Are you a Rabbi practicing in Georgia, U.S.A? 'Cause Jew Macon me crazy

Score: 2

Why does Georgia volunteer to keep the fire going through the night whenever the southern states go camping? Because Georgia stays woke

Score: 2

After taking the lead in Pennsylvania and Georgia, why hasn't Joe declared victory? Because he's Biden his time.

Score: 1

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