Groundhog Jokes

Does anyone know any good Groundhog Day jokes? Because I keep hearing the same ones over and over

Score: 112

what animal takes up the most land? a groundhog.

Score: 49

What do you call a pig with no legs? Ground Hog! Happy Groundhog's Day!

Score: 10

What's the American settler's spirit animal? The groundhog.

Score: 9

What did the groundhog's trainer tell him before the Olympics? Gopher gold.

Score: 8
Funny Groundhog Jokes
Score: 8

What do you call a pig with no legs? A groundhog

Score: 7

What do you call a male pig with no legs and delusions of being a weather forecaster? Groundhog

Score: 7

Since it's Groundhog Day today, does anyone know any good jokes? Because I keep hearing the same ones over and over...

Score: 4

What does it mean when a groundhog sees a maple leaf on feb. 02? ...six more weeks of bad hockey!

Score: 3

Groundhog Day is a classic. It sure has great replay value.

Score: 3

Here we see the majestic Woodchuck, also known as a Groundhog which begs the question How much ground would a ground hog hog if a ground hog could hog ground?

Score: 3

The groundhog saw his shadow. Four more years of suck.

Score: 2

"How did Trump become president?!?!" Asks the country getting its weather forecast from a groundhog.

Score: 2

Have you ever eaten groundhog? How about sausages? That's ground hog.

Score: 2

Stop trying to predict the next Arab Spring Just pencil it in six weeks after Arab Groundhog Day.

Score: 2

What did the groundhog say to his buddy about to jump off the rock... Just gopher it.

Score: 1

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