So a Harley Davidson rolls into a bar and the bartender asks what it'd like. RUM RUM RUM RUM RUM RUM RUM
What's the difference between a Harley Davidson and a Hoover vaccuum? The position of the dirt bag.
What’s the difference between a vacuum cleaner, and someone who drives a Harley Davidson? Position of the dirt bag.
What's the difference between a Harley Davidson and a vacuum cleaner? Placement of the dirt bag.
What's the difference between a Hoover vaccum and a Harley Davidson? The position of the dirtbag
What's the difference between a Harley Davidson and a Hoover Vacuum? Where you place the dirt bag.
What's the difference between a Hoover Vacuum and a Harley Davidson motorcycle? The position of the dirtbag.
What's the difference between a Harley Davidson and a Vacuum? The dirt bag is on the inside of the vacuum
What's the difference between a Harley Davidson and a vacuum cleaner? A vacuum cleaner has the dirtbag on the inside.
What's the difference between a vacuum and a Harley Davidson? The position of the dirtbag
What's the Difference between a Harley Davidson Motorcycle and a Hoover vacuum? The Hoover vacuum only carries one dirt bag.
Y'all know the sound a Harley Davidson makes, right? Small-pee-pee, small-pee-pee, small-pee-pee
Harley Davidson came out with a harvesting tool. They call it a motorsickle.