He Haw Jokes

Funny He Haw Jokes
Score: 310

Why did the Hawaiian Hipster burn to death? He walked on lava before it was cool.

Score: 6

I was really thirsty so I reached for the Hawaiian Sun to drink Unfortunately, it was empty. Someone else had beat me to the punch.

Score: 6

"How much longer are we going to have endure this erupting volcano full of hot air and gas" asked the Hawaiian "I don't know, but turn off Twitter for a short term solution"

Score: 5

What did the affectionate volcano tell the Hawaiian homeowner? "I lava you."

Score: 4

What did the Hawaiian Jihadist say? Aloha Akbar.

Score: 3

What did the animal control officer ask the Hawaiian dancer? Hula the dogs out?

Score: 3

What did the Hawaiian terrorists say when they blew up a restaurant? ALOHA SNACKBAR

Score: 2

What did the Australian say to the hawk? Good eye!

Score: 2

What did the Hawaiian Jihadist say before he died? Aloha Ackbar!

Score: 2

What did the Hawaiian say to the visiting school kids about Mt. Kilauea? This blows.

Score: 2

What did the Hawaiian mathematician say when he was at the aquarium? That’s algae brah.

Score: 2

Yo momma's so fat... ...when she farted, they had proof for the hawking radiation theory.

Score: 2

What did the Hawaiian wearing a hijab say as he approached the buffet? Aloha snack-bar

Score: 1

What did the Hawaiian dope dealer say to the Eskimo tourist? Danks for da kine cold stranger!

Score: 1

What do you find at a zombie market? The hawking dead.

Score: 1

How is a hotdog made Well it's easy you see

Find a hot lady

Dress her up in a dog costume

And add buns on her buns

Voila the Hawt Dawg

Score: 1

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