Jury Duty Jokes

A man is begging a judge to let him off jury duty because of his job. “I’m sure your company can get along fine without you for a few days,” the judge tells the man.

“I know,” the man answers. “But that’s what I’m trying to prevent them from figuring out.”

Score: 29
Funny Jury Duty Jokes
Score: 15

I had a court date this month. I screamed about my innocence and begged them for mercy. I did not get picked for jury duty.

Score: 8

What do they call Jury Duty in Australia? Didgereedooty

Score: 6

I got summoned for jury duty today... When my name was eventually called, this blonde bombshell prosecutor looked me up and down then immediately dismissed me.

Something about not wanting to risk a "hung jury".

Score: 4

I got jury duty next week My duty is to convince the jury that I didn't do it.

Score: 3

What's the best part about going to jury duty? Everyone's legal.

Score: 3

I just got called for jury duty and the judge is a midget. I’m assuming it will be a short trial.

Score: 2

Whenever I get jury duty, I never make it through jury selection After all, no one wants a hung jury

Score: 2

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