Kangaroo Jokes

What do you get when you cross a Kangaroo and an Elephant? A letter from the Scientific Ethics Committee and a withdrawl of your grant money.

Score: 185

What do you get if you cross an elephant and a kangaroo? A sternly worded letter from the ethics committee and your funding revoked.

Score: 53
Funny Kangaroo Jokes
Score: 34

Can a kangaroo jump higher than a house? Of course, a house can't jump at all

Score: 25

What do you call a very lazy baby kangaroo? A pouch potato.

Score: 23

Can a kangaroo jump higher than the Empire State Building? Of course it can, the Empire State Building can't jump.

Score: 22

TIL you can fit 30 bananas in a Kangaroo's pouch. Also, I'm not allowed at the zoo anymore.

Score: 21

Two kangaroos are in the bathtub. cuz why not One kangaroo says, "Pass the soap."
The other kangaroo says, "No soap...radio!"

Score: 21

911 What's your emergency? **Kangaroo:** I CAN'T FIND MY KIDS!

**911:** Did you check your pockets?

**Kangaroo:** [pats pocket] Oh nevermind.

Score: 14

Kangaroo can jump higher than a house Mostly because houses can't jump

Score: 11

A kangaroo hops into the bar, the bartender, says "sorry we're closed" The kangaroo says, "I thought you needed a bouncer"

*Ba dum tiss*

Score: 11

What do get if you cross a Kangaroo with an Elephant? A stern letter from the scientific ethics committee.

Score: 10

What do you call a lazy baby kangaroo? A pouch potato!!

Score: 9

I just learned that you can get drunk from Kangaroo meat! I'm pretty sure it has something to do with all the hops.

Score: 8

What do you get if you cross a sheep with a kangaroo? A wooly jumper (I'll see myself out)

Score: 8

What do you get when you cross an elephant with a kangaroo? Great big holes all over australia

Score: 7

What do you get when you cross a kangaroo with a sheep? a Wooly Jumper

Score: 7

A recently discovered type of kangaroo can jump higher than the empire state building... ... because Empire State building cannot jump at all.

Score: 7

Pickpockecting is the same as kidnapping. If your victim is a kangaroo!

Score: 6

Can a kangaroo jump higher than a house? Of course, a house doesn’t jump at all.

Score: 5

What do you call a lazy kangaroo? A pouch potato.

Score: 4

A kangaroo is jumping around in Australia When ever she stops a little penguin pocks his head out of her pouch.

In Antarctica a little kangaroo is sitting with some penguins, sneezing and grumbling: Fucx this student exchange program!

Score: 4

Can a kangaroo jump higher than the statue of liberty? Of course. The statue of liberty cant jump.

Score: 4

Can a kangaroo jump higher than a house? Of course houses can't jump

Score: 4

[Siri Beta] What do you get when you cross a kangaroo with an alien? A mars-upial

Score: 3

What do you get when you cross King Kong with a kangaroo? Big holes all over Australia

Score: 3

Where does a dyslexic kangaroo go when he's sick The Hopsital

Score: 3

A Male kangaroo walks into a bar. He orders a scotch and starts talking about the good old days when nobody was on their phones, when video games were for the rich, and the ozone layer was whole. “Ok boomer”

Score: 3

What do you call a kangaroo whos in love with a sheep? A wolly jumper

Score: 3

(first) What do you get when you cross a Kangaroo with a sheep? A wooly jumper

Score: 2

Can a Kangaroo jump higher than a house? Of course silly. Houses can't jump!

Score: 2

Why did the kangaroo not like his beer? It wasn't hoppy enough

Score: 2

What do you get when you mix an elephant and a kangaroo? Big holes all over Australia.

Score: 2

Can a kangaroo jump higher than the Empire State Building? A: Of course. The Empire State Building can't jump.

Score: 2

So the boxing kangaroo says to the microwave... "No soap radio!"

Score: 1

Baby Kangaroo and Laptop! A baby Kangaroo was crying. Some kangaroo asked about its MOM.
Baby Kangaroo said mom is carrying a Laptop in her bag where I was staying.

Score: 1

Can a kangaroo jump higher than a house? Can a kangaroo jump higher than a house? Of course, a house doesn’t jump at all.

Score: 1

Itchy around her belly. The kangaroo mother got incredibly itchy around her belly. She opened her pouch and yelled into it: “How often have I told you not to eat the crunchy cookies in bed!”

Score: 1

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