Lmao Jokes

Funny Lmao Jokes
Score: 53

A few days ago, a team of 200 scientists released the first ever image of a cosmic body with a mass 7 billion times that of the sun's, also known as yo mama lmao

Score: 28

Harry Potter wakes up in hospital. "Welcome back. You've been in a coma for 8 years" says the doctor. "You ran face first into a wall lmao"

Score: 27

What do u call a blonde that dyed their hair? Artificial Intelligence

(Some old guy at chipotle told me this lmao)

Score: 18

How do Chinese people laugh? LMAO ZEDONG!

Score: 10

Personally, I'm fed up with LOL, ROFL, and LMAO. I say we ban all acronyms in the U.S.A.

Score: 10

A Level Physics lmao Why was the physicist studying gravitational fields so much more handsome than the one studying electrical fields?

Electrical Fields are repulsive sometimes, but Gravitational Fields are always attractive.

Score: 7

Boss just installed watsapp. My boss just installed watsapp and texted me:

Boss: Hey, send me some jokes or something.

ME: Ok boss but please first tell when will I get a rise.

Boss: LMAO Nice one send more.

Score: 6

How do chinese people laugh over the internet? Lmao Zedong

Score: 4

What do you call a laughing monk? Dalai Lmao.

Score: 4

How do cows stay up to date? They read the moos-paper lmao

Score: 4

My last too brain cells trying to have a conversation lmao Now there’s won.

Score: 3

What did the cat say after hearing to a funny joke ? Lmao.

Score: 3

Why did Norway put qr codes on their ships So they can Scandanavyian....

Sidemen joke not mine lmao

Score: 3

My boss texted me... My boss texted me: "Send me one of your funny jokes"

I replied: "I will send you one l8r, I'm working right now"

He replied: "LMAO, send me another one!"

Score: 2

What's the funniest condiment? Lmao

Score: 2

What are the best “I put the ___ in ___” jokes? I’ve been using “I put the hot in psychotic” for ages and it’s becoming stale so I need another one lmao

Score: 2

I got an oil change for my car and the guy told me I needed a tire rotation too Lmao headass, the tires rotate every time I drive it

Score: 2

What to French Cats text back when they receive something funny? Lmao

Score: 2

Why are French cats so happy? They're always going lmao.

Score: 2

Why do French people find mayonnaise so hilarious? No, seriously. Every time I say it they say lmao.

Score: 2

My son screeched, "Daaaaaad, you haven't listened to one word I've said, have you!?" What a strange way to start a conversation with me... Lmao I’m not actually a dad I just thought this was a really good joke.

Score: 2

A computer tells a joke AI lmao

Score: 1

People are like Bananas Nobody likes them when they're black lmao

Score: 1

Me: I think I'm depressed Sigmund Freud: your mom is depressed lmao

Score: 1

Pork fact People who eat pork are 100% less likely to blow themselves up than people who don't lmao

Score: 1

Comedy Gold. T-Rex: Hey look a shooting star! Make a wish.

Raptor: I wish i was dead lol.

T-Rex: Me too Lmao

Raptor: aye it looks like its getting closer

Score: 1

lmao my four-year-old niece told me this joke yesterday Her: Knock knock!

Me: Who's there?

Her: Potato

Me: Potato who?





Score: 1

My doctor says I really have to stop my delusion. Lmao he talks like he is real.

Score: 0

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