Long Neck Jokes

Funny Long Neck Jokes
Score: 39

Why does a giraffe need such a long neck? Because its head is so far away from its body.

Score: 19

A giraffe walks into a bar and orders a beer the bartender asks, "You want a long neck?"

The giraffe says, "I have a choice?"

Score: 19

Why do giraffes have such long necks? Because their heads are so far from their bodies.

Score: 14

Why Do Giraffes Have Such Long Necks? So they can reach their head!

Score: 6

Why does the giraffe have a long neck? Because it has smelly feet.

Score: 4

Why does a giraffe have a long neck? So it can reach it's head.

Score: 4

What do you call a blonde actor with a long neck? Charlize Heron

Score: 3

I phoned up the spiritual leader of Tibet... He sent me a large goat with a really long neck...Turns out I phoned Dial-a-Llama

Score: 3

What do you call an animal with a long neck and a love for oranges? A Jiraffa.

Score: 2

Giraffe have long necks for a reason. Do you know why giraffe have long necks?

Because they have stinky feet.

Score: 2

My essay on sick, long necked mammals had lots of errors in it. My teacher said it was a rough giraffe.

Score: 2

A great big bird with a long neck strapped me into a chair and put a gun to my head. I guess you could say I was held ostrich.

Score: 2

Why do giraffes have long necks? Because their feet stink.

Score: 1

I phoned up the spiritual leader of Tibet, he sent me a large goat with a long neck... ...turns out I phoned dial-a-llama.

Score: 1

Why do giraffes have such a long neck? Because the head is so high up.

Score: 1

Why do giraffes have such a long necks? Because their heads are far away from their bodies.

Score: 0

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