Meow Jokes

Funny Meow Jokes
Score: 45

Pet shop “Have you got any kittens going cheap?” Asked a customer in a pet shop.

“No, sir,” replied the owner. “All our kittens go “Meow.”

Score: 28

What do you call a pile of cats? It's called a 'meow'tain.

Score: 15

What do you call a pile of kittens? A Meow-tain

Score: 14

what do you call a cat in a blender? Meow Mix

Score: 12

Doctor, doctor I think I’m turning into a cat. Don’t ask meow.

Score: 11

Wanna hear a cat joke? Just kitten, I don't have one right meow

Score: 10

I'm a bit of a wizard when it comes to talking to animals. I have a dog called woof. I asked him it's name, and it said woof. I have a cat called meow, because it said meow when I asked her name. And I have a parrot called Whatsyourname.

Score: 10

First day as a vet Me: What seems to be the problem

Cat: Meow

Me: Yes, but where?

Score: 8

What did the cat say on his cell phone? Can you hear meow?

Score: 7

A man is riding through the desert on his horse...….. .….The rider is like "Man! I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!" Then suddenly the horse goes "Meow!" and starts licking himself.

Score: 6

I told my dog to "Lie." He said "Meow."

Now I don't know what to do.

Score: 5

What does a cat say when it wants to go outside? Let meow

Score: 5

Meow Sorry, my cat got my tongue.

Score: 5

What do you call a Chinese cat leader? Meow Zedong

Score: 5

Why do cats walk around houses like they own the place? Well, you can't spell "homeowner" without "meow"!

Score: 5

What do you call a Russian cat that's been to space? A cos-meow-naut.

Score: 4

What did the feline say when it couldn’t believe what was happening? “You’ve cat to be kitten me right meow.”

Score: 4

Autocorrect: Can't live with it, can't live meow it.

Score: 3

What do cats do when they join a monastery? They take a "meow" of silence.

Score: 3

A black cat and a white cat falls into the water, what did the black cat said to the white cat? Meow

Score: 3

What does a cat say after dropping a vase and you caught her in the act? Meow culpa

Score: 3

Wouldn't it be cool if you could project cat sounds into other people's heads? OK, just hear meow...

Score: 3

What do you call a huge pile of cats? A Meow-tain!

Score: 2

How do you make a dog meow? Put it in the freezer for three days. Run it through a bandsaw.

Score: 2

Who is the most communist cat in the world? Meow Zedong

Score: 2

What did the cat say when he lost cell phone reception? Can you hear me meow?

I'll ^see ^^myself ^^^out

Score: 2

Can horses meow? Nay

Score: 2

What did the cat say to the statue? Cat: "Statue bro?"

Statue: "Nah, it's meow"

Score: 2

A cat was looking at me funny... It was staring meow-t.

Score: 2

How do you stop a cat from leaving you? You meow-ry it.

Score: 1

Cat says meow, Cow say moo, Dog says Ed...Wa...rd

Score: 1

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