Michael J Fox Jokes

Funny Michael J Fox Jokes
Score: 81

Why does Michael J Fox make the best milkshakes? He uses only top notch fresh ingredients

Score: 17

Who is James Bond's favorite bartender? Michael J Fox

Score: 16

How do you turn a cobra into a rattlesnake? Give it to Michael J Fox

Score: 13

I met Michael J Fox yesterday... I was going to shake his hand but remembered it does that on its own.

Score: 9

Why doesn't Michael J Fox have an Etch-a-Sketch? He's too old to play with toys

Score: 7

Do you think Michael J Fox....? Do you think Michael J Fox ever gets an answer out of an 8-Ball?

Score: 6

What is brown and sticky? Michael J Fox opening a can of coke

Score: 6

I think I saw Michael J Fox in a gardening centre earlier... It was hard to tell, he had his back to the Fuchsias.

Score: 5

Why did the Duck flying in the sky get Shot? Michael J Fox was hunting rabbits.

Score: 5

Knock knock knock knock knock. Who's there? Michael J Fox

Score: 5

Me and Michael J Fox have a hand shake... he must really like it because he keeps practicing it.

Score: 4

Why Does Michael J Fox make the best milkshakes? He uses only the finest ingredients.

Score: 3

I saw Michael J Fox at the garden centre today I could tell it was him because he had his back to the fuchsias.

Score: 3

What a polite guy... I met Michael J Fox the other day. I only gave him a hi-five and he still shook my hand.

Score: 3

How do you trace a scattered plot? You get Michael J Fox to draw a line


full credit to Bo Burnham's offensive math act

Score: 3

Why does Michael J Fox make the best milkshakes? Because he only uses the finest ingredients.

Score: 2

Michael J Fox was arrested for shoplifting yesterday Serves him right, trying to steal that tambourine

Score: 2

I thought I saw Michael J Fox in a garden centre the other day I can’t be sure though, he had his back to the fuchsias.

Score: 2

Why do Michael J Fox and Taylor Swift have in common? They both shake it off.

Score: 2

I shook hands with Michael J Fox earlier. Took 2 hours.

Score: 2

Michael J Fox stole my old iPhone & hacked his way into it. I think he’s looking for The Secret of my 6S

Score: 2

I swear I've just seen Michael J Fox in my local Garden Centre.... Can't be 100% certain though as he had his Back to the Fuchsia.

Score: 2

What gets smaller and smaller while it sits in a corner? Michael J Fox holding a cheese grater

Score: 2

What do bad dancers have in common with Michael J Fox trying to use the soft serve ice cream machine? They both have a hard time pulling off a twist.

Score: 1

Did you hear the director planned to film two sequels simultaneously for the Michael J Fox 1980's time travel comedy? He planned to make back-to-back back to the 'Back to the Future' future features!

Score: 1

I once shook hands with Michael J Fox He seemed pretty offended, but in my defense, the room was cold.

Score: 1

I used to be a big fan of Michael J Fox... ...but his latest performances have been a little shaky.

Score: 1

Michael J Fox grabs a soda... His friend says: “You never drink those.”

Michael replies: “I just figured I’d shake things up”

Score: 0

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