Milk Carton Jokes

Funny Milk Carton Jokes
Score: 424

I switched my kids to almond milk. Whenever people ask me if I think it's healthier I tell them "Nah, I just got tired of them asking why their picture is on the back of the milk cartons."

Score: 48

My brother just hit me with a milk carton How dairy

Score: 29

My little brother just threw a milk carton at me.. How dairy.

Score: 25

My brother threw a milk carton at me today. How dairy!

Score: 11

My brother threw a milk carton at me! How dairy!

Score: 9

If I ever go missing... I would like my photo but on wine bottles instead of milk cartons. This way my friends will know where to look for me.

Score: 5

My friend threw a milk carton at me WTF, HOW DAIRY

Score: 4

They have these new cream corn containers that look like milk cartons... They call it Soft Pour Corn.

Score: 2

There's a story about a milk carton that saved the world. It was pretty legendairy.

Score: 2

Where do you find missing kids? On the back of a milk carton.

Score: 2

A Man Walks Into The Kitchen And Grabs A Milk Carton He sees the picture of a missing girl on the back of it. Then he shouts into the living room: "Jessica, come! You look so young in this picture!"

Score: 1

Why can't milk cartons wear flip flops? Because they lactose

Score: 1

It's almost Valentine's day It's almost Valentine's Day and I don't even have a date, even the milk carton has a date.

Score: 1

So I'm kind of a photographer Whenever I hang out with a kid, their picture ends up on a milk carton

Score: 1

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