Millenial Jokes

Funny Millenial Jokes
Score: 17

What do you call a 20 year old spaceship that whines all the time and never wants to run properly? The Millenial Falcon.

Score: 4

You know times are tough when you see a millenial playing Wheel Of Fortune And they have to rent an 'A'.

Score: 4

What do you call a spaceship that runs on all natural fuel? The Millenial falcon

Score: 3

Take it from a millenial... Nothing makes you hate millenials more than growing up with them.

Score: 2

If someone was born before 1982 and believes in dispensational eschatology does that make them a pre-millenial pre-millenial?

Score: 2

Which Star Wars ship is most likely to be unemployed with a crushing amount of student loan debt? The Millenial Falcon

Score: 1

What do you call a very catchy song that edgy, German millenial teenagers like to listen to? A Blitzkreig bop.

Score: 1

who would win hitler or a millenial? none. they will both kill themselves

(im a millenial so don’t get offended)

I know a bad joke but it’s all I could come up with

Score: 0

What is common between hermit crab and a millenial All their lifes they rent a house.

Score: 0

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