Mullet Jokes

Someone suggested I grow out my hair, but only in the back. Told him I'd mullet over.

Score: 36

Donald Trump's advisers worry he could lose support from his base, so they suggested he change his hairstyle to better connect with white, rural voters... ...he's going to mullet over.

Score: 9
Funny Mullet Jokes
Score: 6

My friend told me that my herb garden looks like a mullet. I keep the basil in the front and the parsley in the back.

Score: 2

Just saw a guy with a bowl-cut mullet Or as I like to call it "School shooter in the front, abortion clinic shooter in the back." - Corey Forrester

Score: 2

"You've had the same haircut since 1987. Will you at least think about changing it?" "I don't know, I'll mullet over"

Score: 2

I might grow my comb-over out into a mullet. I think I'll mullet over.

Score: 2

"Mr. Economist, what are your thoughts on the mullet?" "It's one turbulent hairstyle. It's highly regulated in the front and free market in the back."

Score: 1

I moved my ferret cage to my front porch to have a BBQ in the back yard. Now my house has a mullet... Business in the front, party in the back!

Score: 1

Two people discussing haircuts. One says, "The hair at your neckline is getting long. Are you planning to trim it up, or are you just going to mullet over for a while?"

Score: 1

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