Nacho Jokes

John and Bill are having a conversation. John says I've got a joke.

Bill replies ok what is it.

John: What do you call cheese that isn't yours?

Bill: Nacho cheese.

John: Aww, how did you know?

Bill: Because it's Nacho joke.

Score: 42

today you are one day closer to eating your next servings of nacho. unless you die tomorrow and never get to eat any nacho then tomorrow is nacho lucky day

Score: 7

You know why jokes about chips with cheese on them are the best ? They're NACHO JOKES !

Score: 6

What would you tell someone who is attempting to steal your cheese (hint: not "nacho cheese")? Leave my provolone!

Score: 5

What do you call an exceptional Mexican? What do you call an exceptional Mexican?
Nacho average guy

Score: 5
Funny Nacho Jokes
Score: 5

A detective walks into a party... and asks the partygoers,
"Do you guys have any Nacho Cheese?"
The partygoers respond,
"No dip, Sherlock."

Score: 5

I'm starting a private Mexican restaurant. It's called Nacho Business.

Score: 5

The shady workers behind the mexican restaurant, Thats nacho business.

Score: 5

If you don’t like tacos, I’m nacho type.

Score: 4

I work with mentally disabled people. Today I tried to tell a client the Nacho Cheese joke. "Hey, you have nachos! What do you call cheese that isn't yours?"

"Tasty!" -Holds up a-okay sign-

" aren't wrong!"

Happy Valentine's Day everybody!

Score: 3

What did the cheese vendor say to the robber? "Hey! That's nacho cheese!"

Score: 3

A dorito asks the doctor whether or not he's done the DNA test to his son yet.... The doctor responds, "Yes, I'm afraid he's NACHO son."

Score: 3

What Did Big Nacho Say To Little Nacho? I'm Nacho Daddy.

Score: 3

What do you tell a Mexican having a bad day? Sorry amigo, it's nacho day.

Score: 3

What did the Mexican say to the great cheddar bandit? That's nacho cheese.

Score: 3

If you don't like tacos... then i'm nacho type.

Score: 3

What did the insecure, cheesy dorito say? "I'm nacho sure anymore"

Score: 3

I decided to open up a Mexican soul food restaurant. It's called Nacho Mama's!

Score: 3

What cheese is not yours? Nacho cheese!

Score: 3

What do you eat when you're have a bad day? Nachos, cuz its Nacho day

Score: 2

What do you call an exceptional Mexican man? Nacho average guy

Score: 2

What’s the most aggressive fast food business right now? its nacho business

Score: 2

If you love tortilla chips and cheese, I'm nacho man

Score: 2

A black slave escaped with a wheel of cheese. The owner was being interviewed by southern law enforcement where he asked: "will you be able to find him?" Which the officer replied: Can't say but one things for sure, he Nacho Negro.

Score: 2

What flavor are stolen Doritos? Nacho cheese

Score: 2

If a 99lb woman ate one pound of nachos... Does that make her 1% nacho?

Score: 1

What do you call a Mexican drowning in a vat of cheese? Nacho problem.

Score: 1

How come nobody tells "Nacho" jokes anymore? They're too cheesy.

Score: 1

What did the cop say to the dairy thief? Stop! That's nacho cheese!

Score: 1

What do you call cheese that's not yours? Nacho-Cheese

Score: 1

My friend dropped his favorite corn chip into a vat of melted cheese. "Aw, man," I sympathized, "It's just nacho day."

Score: 0

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