Nihilist Jokes

A nihilist, a socialist, and a neo-marxist walk into a bar and order drinks. "We don't sell alcohol to anyone under 18", says bartender.

Score: 16313

A socialist, a nihilist, and a neo-marxist walk into a bar and order drinks "We don't sell alcohol to anyone under 18", says the bartender.

Score: 97
Funny Nihilist Jokes
Score: 67

A nihilist's view on geometry: Circles are pointless.

Score: 45

What did the nihilist wish for on his birthday?

Score: 20

Introducing the nihilist dating agency ... for people who have nothing in common

Score: 19

My nihilist best friend has poor self esteem he just doesn't believe in himself.

Score: 10

An amoralist, a nihilist, and a world-weary cynic walk into a bar. The bartender says "Sorry, we don't serve minors in here.".

Score: 10

Existentialist, nihilist, cynic... An existentialist, a nihilist and a tired from life cynic walk into a bar. And the bartender says: "Sorry guys, the bar's 18+ only"

Score: 9

What did the nihilist say to the physicist? Nevermind, it doesn't really matter.

Score: 7

What did the Nihilist whisper into his lover's ear? Sweet Nothings.

Score: 7

Why did the existential nihilist cross the road? Who cares.

Score: 6

A nihilist, a socialist, and a neo marxist walk into a bar the bartender says to them, “We don’t serve people under 18 here”

Score: 6

A nihilist, a socialist, and a neo-marxist walk into a bar and order drinks. “We don't sell alcohol to anyone under 18”, says the bartender.

Score: 6

What's a nihilist's secret weapon? His futility belt.

Score: 5

Why did the nihilist cross the road? It doesn't matter.

Score: 5

What do you call a person who is not a nihilist? A De-nihilist.

Score: 5

If a nihilist were to become a superhero... ...would they wear a Futility Belt?

Score: 5

A nihilist was robbed at gunpoint. Nothing of value was stolen.

Score: 4

I'm launching an app that reads out nihilist quotes. It's aimed at a Nietzsche market

Score: 4

There's actually very little demand for nihilist merchandise. I guess it's a Nietzsche market.

Score: 4

What's the difference between an apathist and a nihilist? Nobody cares, it doesn't really matter

Score: 4

A nihilist walks into a bar...

Score: 3

How does a nihilist propose to his fiancee? "Even though my existence is meaningless I want to spend the rest of it with you."

Score: 3

I think I might be a nihilist... not that it matters...

Score: 3

Why did the Existential Nihilist cross the road? No reason.

Score: 3

A nihilist walks in to a bar There is no point to this joke, your life is a lie, nothing is real

Score: 3

Why did the Nihilist cross the road? Does it really matter ?

Score: 3

What is a Nihilist? Someone who studies rivers in Egypt.

Score: 3

A nihilist in Middle-Earth must be a member of /r/gamingcirclejerk Eä bad

Score: 3

What did the nihilist say to the borg? existence is futile.

Score: 2

What did the nihilist say to the suicidal man? Go for it, it's worth a shot!

Score: 1

A nihilist and an absurdist both have jobs as plumbers While talking to each other one day, the nihilist says "i hate this job! Why do i still work here when it has meaning?", to which the absurdist replies, "you must imagine yourself happy."

Score: 0

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