North Carolina Jokes

What type of fruit are you most likely to find in North Carolina? Cantaloupe!

Score: 23

I’m currently in a recovering alcoholics program in North Carolina. But to keep it short, I just tell people I’m in the NCAA.

Score: 16
Funny North Carolina Jokes
Score: 9

How can you tell if a good ole boy from North Carolina is married? There are tobacco spit stains on BOTH the doors of his truck.

Score: 4

Hey North Carolina, watcha doin' this weekend? Nothing

Score: 3

What was the governor of North Carolina criticized for responding to Hurricane Florence so quickly? Because women don’t like premature evacuations

Score: 3

I’m moving to North Carolina and I think I’m going to buy a house instead of renting I hear the market is flooded right now

Score: 3

Why is it illegal for a man living in North Carolina to be buried in South Carolina? Because he's alive.

Score: 2

What superheroes refuse to fight in North Carolina? The X-Men

Score: 2

How come north Carolina is the bluest state? Raleigh scattering

Score: 2

Governor what your biggest fear about hurricane Florence hitting North Carolina? President Trump

Score: 2

I just read some great political news today!... ...Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina have all projected that they will probably have the 2020 ballots counted in time for the 2024 presidential election.

Score: 2

It's so expensive to swim at North Carolina beaches It costs an arm and a leg.

Score: 1

The Top Three things for Halloween you can do now in North Carolina: #3 Swim with the sharks,
#2 Have an account on Ashley Madison,
#1 riding a street car in Charlotte NC.

Score: 1

In the wake of Hurricane Florence, residents of North Carolina are returning home to deal with flood damage, mold, and apparently with the arrival of the President... Tiny mushrooms.

Score: 1

My dad in North Carolina asked me if I'd be able to fly home from New York for Good Friday.... I told him I couldn't because of the big storm.


Nor Easter

Score: 0

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