Palm Sunday Jokes

If Valentine's Day is for couples, what day is for single men? Palm Sunday.

First time posting, please be gentle.

Score: 381

Moms have Mother's Day and dads have Father's Day. What do single guys have? Palm Sunday.

Score: 163

Valentine's day Mothers have mothers day, father's have father's day, couples have valentine's day and I have palm sunday

Score: 138
Funny Palm Sunday Jokes
Score: 9

Palm Sunday For Dads ... Fathers Day,
For mothers ... Mothers Day,
For Lovers ... Valentines Day
For Wankers there is Palm Sunday

Score: 7

Today is Palm Sunday! As far as Easter foreshadowing goes, I think they nailed it.

Score: 5

If Valentine’s Day is for lovers Then is Palm Sunday for single men?

Score: 3

If guys in relationships celebrate Valentines's Day, what do single guys celebrate? Palm Sunday.

Score: 3

Palm Sunday A day that single men thank their palms for all the good work they did this past year...

Score: 2

If Mother's Day is for mothers, Father's Day is for fathers, and Valentine's Day is for lovers, what holiday is for single men? Palm Sunday

Score: 0

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