I'm not passive aggressive
Unlike *some* people
Edit: thank you kindly for all the upvotes!
The first rule of passive aggressive club is... You know what, nevermind. It’s fine.
The first rule of Passive Aggressive Club is... ...you know what? Never mind. It's FINE.
We have a beautiful little girl who we named after my mom; in fact, Passive Aggressive Psycho turns five tomorrow.
What did one passive aggressive republican say to the passive aggressive democrat? I don't know, let me go check my Facebook feed.
How many passive aggressive people does it take to change a light bulb? Don't bother, I'll do it myself.
I met a passive aggressive witch. She didn't curse me she just blessed everyone around me.
I'm a passive aggressive driver. I pass other drivers and then aggressively speed towards the next one.
My wife and I are playing the passive aggressive thermostat game... She is currently winning 73 to 68
What did the passive aggressive raven say to Edgar Allen Poe? "...ugh nevermind"
There's a group of passive aggressive people that keep saying I'm a snoopy mailman I know because they keep writing letters about it to their friends.
I am not passive aggressive Unlike someone
Someone once told me that I'm passive aggressive all the time I told him to please move on in life.
How many passive aggressive people does it take to change a lightbulb? I don't know. Why don't *you* change it yourself instead of waiting for other people to do it?
"My boyfriend was slept with by you!" I heard one girl shout at another.
"You're reputation will be ruined by this! YOU'RE GONNA BE KILLED BY ME!!"
"Why is she talking like that?" I asked my friend.
"Oh, don't mind her," he said. "She's just really passive aggressive."
1 in 3 homicides start with a passive aggressive note. But of course you are too busy to read it.
I'd tell you my passive aggressive joke... But only a complete idiot would laugh at it.
I perfected my passive aggressive jokes today... Not that *you'd* care.
If someone does something to annoy you, DONT just be passive aggressive about. Unlike SOME people I know.
I work at a hospital. The staff are really stressed out and are being passive aggressive toward each other. They keep telling each other to be positive.
My blind wife asked me to stop writing her passive aggressive notes and leaving them around the house. I don't know if it's depression or what, but she said she was tired of feeling upset all the time.