Pranks Jokes

Thank goodness it's April 2nd I had 4 pregnancy scares yesterday. They all turned out to be pranks. Please don't tell my wife.

Score: 53
Funny Pranks Jokes
Score: 5

What is it called when shapes play pranks on each other? Geometrick.

Score: 4

Why was the Japanese man so careful when walking in his house? It was made of pranks.

Score: 3

Today is your reminder that April Fool's is exactly 9 months away. Time to start preparing your pranks and jokes. Especially if that joke is a child.

Score: 2

PSA: Gonna be April 1st, don't be that guy To do pranks or jokes about corona in hopes of going VIRAL

Score: 2

Wheelchair My disabled friend in a wheelchair always pranks me and makes of fun of me.

But everytime I try I can't seem to pull his leg.

Score: 1

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