What do you call a made-up orange? Pulp Fiction!
What's an oranges' favorite movie? Pulp Fiction.
What do you call a movie about artificial orange juice? Pulp Fiction
What are stories about oranges? Pulp Fiction
What do you call it when the Annoying Orange tells lies? Pulp Fiction
What would you get if the director of Pulp Fiction were to contract Ebola? A quarantinable Quentin Tarantino.
Remember the guy who played in the deer hunter, and pulp fiction. Christopher something or other. Anyway, I heard he's opening a new hospital. I think they're going to call it the Walken clinic.
What do you call fake orange juice? Pulp Fiction
What do you call it when orange juice lies about the amount of pulp it has? Pulp fiction
Y'know when the carton says "pulp free" but then it has some pulp anyway? Pulp Fiction
I was watching Pulp Fiction again and...
...my flatmate pops in and says, " Why are you watching this again?, you have seen it a thousand times already."
"Just for the gags"
My dad thinks I'm too young to watch Pulp Fiction. But then again, you never can tell!
An orange juice factory decides to host a movie night.. They will be screening Pulp Fiction
My wife hates how I love making puns with Bruce Willis movie titles, and wishes I would stop. But you know what they say.... Old habits Pulp Fiction.