Pulp Fiction Jokes

Funny Pulp Fiction Jokes
Score: 36

What do you call a made-up orange? Pulp Fiction!

Score: 29

What's an oranges' favorite movie? Pulp Fiction.

Score: 16

What do you call a movie about artificial orange juice? Pulp Fiction

Score: 10

What are stories about oranges? Pulp Fiction

Score: 5

What do you call it when the Annoying Orange tells lies? Pulp Fiction

Score: 4

What would you get if the director of Pulp Fiction were to contract Ebola? A quarantinable Quentin Tarantino.

Score: 3

Remember the guy who played in the deer hunter, and pulp fiction. Christopher something or other. Anyway, I heard he's opening a new hospital. I think they're going to call it the Walken clinic.

Score: 2

What do you call fake orange juice? Pulp Fiction

Score: 2

What do you call it when orange juice lies about the amount of pulp it has? Pulp fiction

Score: 2

Y'know when the carton says "pulp free" but then it has some pulp anyway? Pulp Fiction

Score: 2

I was watching Pulp Fiction again and... ...my flatmate pops in and says, " Why are you watching this again?, you have seen it a thousand times already."

"Just for the gags"

Score: 1

My dad thinks I'm too young to watch Pulp Fiction. But then again, you never can tell!

Score: 1

An orange juice factory decides to host a movie night.. They will be screening Pulp Fiction

Score: 1

My wife hates how I love making puns with Bruce Willis movie titles, and wishes I would stop. But you know what they say.... Old habits Pulp Fiction.

Score: 0

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