Quantum Mechanics Jokes

What kind of Mechanics fix and break your car at the same time? Quantum Mechanics.

Score: 72
Funny Quantum Mechanics Jokes
Score: 15

I was going to tell a joke about quantum mechanics but even though its funny, it's also unfunny at the same time.

Score: 13

Are you afraid of quantum mechanics ? Dont worry, it's gonna be Feynman.

Score: 7

Quantum Mechanics Knock Knock joke quick one:


who's there

quantum mechanics

quantum mechanics who?

You won't know until you open the door


Score: 5

A physics student ask his teacher A physics student ask his teacher: "Can you point me to someone who can teach me a way in which quantum mechanics can be united with general relativity"
The teacher answers: "I'll see if I can pull some strings for you"

Score: 5

Where did the lazy quantum mechanics student say his project was in a box

Score: 3

Which repair men are best at keeping secrets? I hear quantum mechanics are pretty discrete.

Score: 2

Cats probably like boxes because of quantum mechanics. Could be getting into a box really makes them feel alive. Who knows?

Score: 1

Knowing quantum mechanics is both a blessing and a curse. OC, what do you think?

Score: 1

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