Recruitment Jokes

Funny Recruitment Jokes
Score: 22

Man comes for a lumberjack's recruitment interview Recruiter: Do you have any experience as a lumberjack sir?

Man: Yes, I used to work in the desert.

Recruiter: But there are no trees in the desert!

Man: There are no trees... anymore, sir.

Score: 15

My local feminist charity is hiring. I found their recruitment slogan to be a bit counterintuitive... "Girl power needs manpower."

Score: 7

At a recruitment interview “Can you work overtime for this company without overtime claim?”

“I can work for this company without any pay”

“Ha ha you must be joking.”

“Well you started first.”

Score: 6

The mining industry wants to put out a radio advert to help with recruitment. They hire a jingle writer, and he asks them what key he should write it in. They said: "B minor".

Score: 6

A Japanese man wished to join the knights of England. The recruitment official turned him away, however, stating that there can not be any chinks in their knights' armor.

Score: 3

Fortune Teller recruitment Come if you are accepted for the job

Score: 3

This recruitment company asked me what I thought about voluntary work I said "I wouldn't do it if you paid me"

Score: 2

What's the difference between a terrorist recruitment center and an Iranian general? I don't know, man, I'm just a pilot.

Score: 2

Why don’t army recruitment adverts interview Vietnam vets? You know why

Score: 0

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