You can tell Monopoly is an old game... ...because there’s a luxury tax and rich people can go to jail.
If you watch Jeopardy backwards, it's about rich people paying money for answers to questions. That is all.
You can tell Monopoly is an old game... ...because there's free parking, a luxury tax and rich people can actually go to jail.
You can tell Monopoly is an old game... Because there is luxury tax and rich people can go to jail.
Why doesn't Batman like going to Robin's house? They don't like rich people in Robin's hood
Back in the day... Back in the day, everyone had a horse and only rich people owned cars. Now everyone owns a car and only the rich own horses. I guess you could say, the stables have turned
You can tell Monopoly is an old game; Rich people can go to jail.
Why are rich people so concerned with etiquette? Because they have a lot of manors.
How many rich people does it take to create a superhero? Three: two to die, and one to never get over it.
Girl, are you a Collateralized Debt Obligation? Because a lot of rich people are trading you around and a few insiders have told me you're completely toxic.
Many rich people are sad. I'd like to be sad too!
Rich people can have 5 cups of wine at lunch and they're all good But when I get vodka for lunch, I'm "fired" and a "bad example for the students"
If a tramp and a bunch of rich people are dressed the same, how does the tramp stand out? He begs to differ.
You know how rich people prefer Bose, Bang & Olufsen and Marantz? That's just a stereotype.
Why don't you ever see rich people wearing glasses? They're always around so many karats.
Rich people used to always have cars And poor people used to have horses now poor people have cars and rich people have horses. The stables have turned.
Why do rich people like golf? It’s not very taxing.
Poor people break into your house to steal. Rich people break into your house to gloat.
What do rich people and bad flossers have in common? Deep pockets.
What do poor people have, rich people want? And if you eat it you die. It's nothing
What kind of milk do rich people drink? 1% milk
Monopoly is so unrealistic! I mean, really. Everyone starts off with the same amount of money? Rich people go to jail? Come on.