Rick and morty recently surpassed Big Bang Theory as the highest rated comedy on television... In other news, apparently Big Bang Theory is supposed to be funny.
My girlfriend climaxed at the season finale of Rick and Morty
She also climaxed at the finale of Iron fist.
And again at the season Finale of Game of Thrones.
She keeps coming to conclusions
What do Lifeguards and Rick and Morty's Space cruiser have in common? Keep Summer Safe
What do Rick and Morty season 3 and my girlfriend have in common? They both don't exist
Rick and Morty Isn't Rick and Morty that thing you get when you go all stiff after you die?
RICK AND MORTY SEASON 3 RELEASED! Just not in this dimension..
A friend asked me for advice on how to avoid the extreme Rick and Morty fanboys. I said: "I'm sorry, I can't help you out of this pickle Rick."
When is a door not a door? When its in an advert on Rick and Morty
Politics are like rick and morty I like it, but I follow it in secret to avoid the toxic fanbase