Sailor Jokes

Funny Sailor Jokes
Score: 98

I overheard Oedipus swearing like a sailor... I asked him, do you kiss your mother with that mouth?

Score: 78

What do you call it when a sailor loses his virginity? First mate.

Score: 26

What's a sailor's least favorite color? Maroon

Score: 24

What is a sailor's favorite letter? From his wife back home

Score: 19

I love pirating music! "What Should We Do with a Drunken Sailor?" is my all-time favorite song

Score: 15

Help! I need activity suggestions. I’m going to hang out with my father, first thing tomorrow morning. He’s a retired Naval officer and an alcoholic. What do you do with a drunken sailor, early in the morning??

Score: 13

What did the cyclops sailor say to his captain? Eye captain

Score: 12

When is a sailor made of wood? When he's a board.

Score: 12

A sailor once asked me if I knew the difference between port and starboard. I said, "No. I've never drank any starboard".

Score: 10

What's a sailor's favorite breakfast? Boatmeal.

Score: 10

Who would have Jay-Z married if he was a sailor? Buoyancy.

Score: 10

A bunch of sailors on a boat want to have a smoke, but don’t have any matches. So one sailor throws one of his cigarettes overboard, and the whole boat becomes a cigarette lighter.

Score: 9

A Mexican sailor . . . . . . . . is a sea señor

Score: 8

Popeye was a lonely sailor. That explains his huge forearms!

Score: 7

If I were a sailor, I think I’d be pretty bad at puns... Knot!

Score: 7

Fun fact: Popeye the Sailor Man isn't actually all that strong by Danish or Norwegian standards... ... but he's strong to the Finnish!

Score: 6

What do you call a Sailor's hitch in the arctic? Knot cool

Score: 5

Popeye was a lonely sailor no wonder why he had such big forearms.

Score: 5

A priest, a nun and a sailor walks into a bar The bartender says: "What is this? Some kind of joke?"

Score: 5

What did the sailor say when the sea was filled with soda? This must be a Fanta-sea!

Score: 5

How did the sailor deal with the death of his friend? He sent out a message in remorse code.

Score: 4

Say, sailor... Say, sailor, nice earrings! How much were they?
Not bad for a buccaneer.

Score: 4

I'm a sailor There's this new girl conductor at the pier we pulled in yesterday. I wanted to ask her out, but she kept sending mixed signals.

Score: 4

There was a young sailor from Brighton Who remarked to his girl, "you're a tight one."
She replied " 'Pon my soul,
You're in the wrong hole;
There's plenty of room in the right one."

Score: 4

What did the sailor say to the prostitute? Land Ho!

Score: 4

What do you call a drunken sailor? Hard to Port.

Score: 4

What DO you do with a drunken sailor? Make a Disney Trilogy featuring an evil Scottish octopus and rake in the money

Score: 4

I don't often tell sailor jokes But when I do they are usually salty.

Score: 3

How well did the sailor do in school? Not bad actually, he got high 'C's.

Score: 3

My brother said he wanted to push a sailor in the water. I disapproved. I said, "That's nautical idea."

Score: 3

Once a ship got stuck in the ocean. A sailor comes to the captain and asks:

-Captain, do you know where are we heading?

-Off course, my boy!

Score: 2

A sailor and his friend are talking on his recent success. The friend asks, how did you get so many crabs?

The sailor responds: mermaids

Score: 2

Why did the drowned sailor's wife punch the sand? Because that beach stole her man.

Score: 2

Did you hear about the world's smallest sailor? He fell asleep on his watch.

Score: 2

How do you rob a sailor? A swear jar.

Score: 1

How is a sailor like a student? Their both trying to stay above C-Level

Score: 1

**What did the potsmoking sailor say at 4:20?** It's maritime

Score: 1

Why did the sailor think his wife was cheating on him? Because his boat was filled with seamen.

Score: 1

What did the Australian sailor say to the tiny parasite? Aye mite.

Score: 0

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