Sjw Jokes

Funny Sjw Jokes
Score: 89

Why is it so hard to get into a relationship with an SJW? Because they have high double standards.

Score: 72

Why Aren't SJW's Allowed In The Military? They are too trigger-happy.

Score: 22

A gun made by an SJW would be interesting Because they'd remove the trigger.

Score: 19

What's an SJW's favorite JRPG? Chrono Triggered.

Score: 10

How many SJW's does it take to change a 90w lightbulb? Did you just assume my wattage??? FLICKERED

Score: 8

why was the SJW angry at apple because it wasn't PC.

Score: 7

What's a SJW's favorite maths topic? Triggernometry

Score: 7

What do you call a basement full of SJW's? A whine cellar.

Score: 7

What did the SJW do for Halloween? Went trigger-treating.

Score: 6

I've started to take the SJW movement seriously and have applied it to my parenting style It's why I'm ignoring all my 10-month olds privileged white male tears.

Score: 5

What's the difference between a redneck, and a SJW? A redneck's trigger actually does something

Score: 5

Jokes for the SJW What's the difference between a third wave radical feminist and an ISIS terrorist? One of them doesn't get PTSD from twitter.

Score: 3

What does a SJW do on Halloween Triggered treating

Score: 3

Why did the SJW hate the Mexican robot? Because it was Pablo-matic

Score: 2

The philosopher says the glass is half empty, the optimist says the glass is half full.... The sjw says the glass is half-fluid.

Score: 2

Why don't SJW's like guns? They can't handle the trigger!

Score: 2

What's an SJW's favourite animal? A Pander.

Score: 2

A sjw shouted at me for giving out lollipops on Halloween Apparently it's a trigger treat.

Score: 2

What's an sjw's favorite subject? Triggerednometry

Score: 2

How do you know when a hippie gets laid? 2 fingers are clean

Edit: took out "his" for the SJW people

Score: 2

What would you call a Tumblr SJW becoming a Jedi? Other-kin Skywalker.

Score: 1

An American SJW takes a trip to the United Kingdom. While standing in line for lunch one day, she hears a man behind her being called, "black."

She quickly turns around and says "no, don't say that. He's African American."

Score: 1

What do you call 10,000 SJW's at the bottom of the ocean? a good start.

Score: 1

What do you call a math class full of SJW's? Triggernometry.

Score: 1

Why do SJW's hate Programmers? They objectify everything.

Score: 1

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