Supernatural Jokes

If you hear a supernatural voice in your head telling you to destroy statues of the Ten Commandments, you might be mentally ill. But if the voice tells you to create them instead, you might be Moses.

Score: 19

Some might doubt that TV shows inspired hundreds of thousands of people to raid Area 51 looking for supernatural beings but I've seen stranger things

Score: 4

What do you call a supernatural being that only grants wishes to men? A miso-genie!

Score: 3
Funny Supernatural Jokes
Score: 3

Why did the horseman Pestilence, take his horse to the vet? Because it was disease ridden.

Side note: I tried posting this awhile back and worded it badly, its original though i made it up while watching Supernatural.

Score: 3

What would a skeptic say if you were to tell them that you had a supernatural ability to detect Indian bread? Naansense!

Score: 3

How did the hipster ghost act on his first date. Supernatural.

Score: 2

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