Talent Show Jokes

Did you hear about the girl who sawed herself in half for the talent show? She placed 1st and 2nd.

Score: 235

Christmas jokes needed I am about to MC a high school Christmas staff talent show and need your best Christmas or holiday jokes. This is happening in two hours.

Score: 28
Funny Talent Show Jokes
Score: 12

R Kelly decided to become a singer after a great performance in a high school talent show, but he later learned to play guitar for a different reason. He enjoys fingering minors.

Score: 9

What's the talent show where the contestants do basically nothing? "American Idle"

Score: 8

Why do submarine talent shows have so much stage fright? -it's just too much pressure

Score: 5

Did you hear about the German doing an impression at the talent show? He did the wurst.

Score: 4

A guy did squats at a talent show... He called it a stand up routine.

Score: 4

They banned me from the school talent show. But i know they were just salty, because they knew they couldnt make their clothes disappear as well as i did.

Score: 4

Did you see what Sam did at the talent show? Sam sung

Score: 3

Sam had amazing vocal skills, but was in doubt of them all the time. He got himself to sign up to a Talent Show for the first time. And finally in front of all the people Samsung

Score: 3

Did you hear about the terrorist on the talent show!? apparently he blew the judges away!

Score: 2

Why did the eagle win the talent show? Because he was TALONted!

Score: 2

What did the banana do at the talent show? A Split!

Score: 2

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