Well... there goes Ted's reputation
Trump: No one embarrasses themselves on Twitter like I do
Ted Cruz: Hold my milk
Trump: Wait, this isn't milk...
What do Ted Cruz and Donald Trump's dad have in common? They both waited too long to pull out.
Ted Cruz should have been forced to carry his Campaign to term... Terminating it is unchristian afterall
Looks like Ted Cruz got busted... ...bustin'
What do Ted Cruz and an impotent Japanese man have in common? Neither can achieve an election
What did Ted Cruz's wife get after being elbowed by him? A Ted Bruz
Why are there no pictures of Ted Cruz holding a baby? They always turn out blurry from him shaking them.
Ted Cruz takes his religious values very seriously He always pulls out before finishing
What do Ted Cruz and Donald Trump's father have in common? They pulled out too late.
Why do people take such an instant dislike to Ted Cruz ? It saves so much time.
What bill is supported by Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, and Bernie Sanders? The dollar bill
Rick Santorum drops out and throws his support to Ted Cruz Thanks for nothing!
What do Ted Cruz and Senator Stern have in common? They got trumped.
What is the difference between Tiger Woods and Ted Cruz? Heidi cannot swing a golf club.
Did you hear the Zodiac is turning himself in? He didn't appreciate the comparisons to Ted Cruz.
Ted Cruz, according to the news, IS planning THat Either cruZ Or his aDminIstrAtion will be Compiling their documents to maKe a IntegraL poLitical announcemEnt this afteRnoon [hope you can decrypt it]
What's the difference between the Devil and Ted Cruz? The Devil has standards.
Some of you may be dismayed by Ted Cruz's recent annoucements But please remember that "pulling out" is the only acceptable way for a Christian to terminate a presidency
Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and Ted Cruz are left on a deserted island, Who survives? America.
When Ted Cruz rises from the grave during a zombie apocalypse... It'll be the Zodiac Thriller.