Titty Jokes

What's worse than a paper titty? A cardboard box

Score: 35
Funny Titty Jokes
Score: 33

I tried donating to the itty-bitty titty committee... But they don't really need the support

Score: 11

If we have "titty" bars in the US... ... do they have "facie" bars in the Middle East?

Score: 9

Did you hear about the tornado that blew through the strip club? It was a real titty-twister!

Score: 8

I've been thinking about getting cat faces tattooed around my nipples, but I'm not sure how my boyfriend feels about titty tats.

Score: 7

Whoever coined the term "wet nurse" missed a golden opportunity... A cooler name would have been utili-titty.

Score: 7

What’s the difference between a bus and a baby? A bus goes from city to city, but a baby goes from titty to titty

Score: 6

I'm going to open a strip club where the dancers rap. And call it titty bars

Score: 4

I gave my girlfriend a titty twister that ruined her bra... Now whose tired of hearing about the whirled cup?

Score: 4

What do you mean you don't serve milk here? What kind of a titty bar is this?!?

Score: 4

What did the left titty say to the right titty? Hey bra, I’m here if you need any support.

Score: 4

What did the ghost say to the bumblebee? BOO BEE!! <insert titty-twister here>

Score: 2

Why was the flat-chested college senior so well respected? Because she was the head of the Itty-Bitty-Titty-Committee.
(their influence and power knows no mounds)

Score: 2

Hold a dollar bill between your chin and your chest. Ask someone if they know who you are. When they ask who, answer "Christopher Reeve at a titty bar!"

Score: 2

What do you call a collection of saved titty pics? Mamories

Score: 2

Can you spell ATTIC for me? A titty I see

Score: 2

Why did Tweety Bird suspect his waitress was a hipster? He tawt he taw a titty tatt!

Score: 1

If titty touching was a sport It would be called

A breaststroke

Score: 1

Never underestimate the power of curiosi- -titty.

Score: 1

The other night I asked a stripper if she liked her job She said yes, but that it's very titty-ous work

Score: 1

What did Einstein discover staring at his cousin's cleavage? The 'Theory of Relative- Titty.'

Score: 0

What are the two most popular types of tea ? Booty and Titty .

Score: 0

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