Tools Jokes

A bad workman blames his fools... **EDIT: tools**

...stupid keyboard...

Score: 15033
Funny Tools Jokes
Score: 636

A good workman doesn't blame his fools \*tools.

Stupid keyboard.

Score: 331

Asked Google how to start a campfire without any tools It gave me 20 million matches.

Score: 190

Why does no one like the swiss army? Because they are all a bunch of tools.

Score: 84

Why wasn't the hammer allowed to join the party of seven other tools? Cause he was tool eight.

Score: 73

I was walking through Home Depot yesterday when I tripped and knocked an industrial vacuum cleaner onto a bunch of carpentry tools.

It sucked on so many levels...

Score: 70

Turns out there are TWO Loch Ness Monsters. One of them is quite mean, but the other actually gives away his forestry tools. A little weird, sure, but it's always nice to see some random axe of Kind Ness.

Score: 33

What brand of power tools does Chris Brown use? Black and Deck Her

Score: 27

I stole some tools from my last kitchen job... It was a whisk I was willing to take.

Score: 20

I won’t go anywhere near foot hygiene tools... I hear some of them are pedi files

Score: 15

What happened when the carpenter knocked his tools off a pier? He saw the seas seize his saw.

Score: 15

Why do Christian bands only record with Pro Tools? Because they don't understand how to use Logic or Reason.

Score: 14

How many woodworking tools does Snoop Dogg usually use? Four chisels, my nizzle

Score: 13

Imagine that you're stuck in a locked room with no windows, no key, no tools, not even a door. How do you get out? Stop imagining it.

Score: 12

Tools of communication For effective communication it is important to have the right tools of communication. Personally, I love my sledge hammer. It shortens annoying conversations immensely.

Score: 10

I can tolerate many drawing tools... But straightedges are where I draw the line.

Score: 7

A mechanic falls onto his tools... It was a gut-wrenching experience.

Score: 7

(My grandpa who passed away last year, famous joke) Why should you always keep your tools out of the rain? Because nobody likes a rusty hoe

Score: 7

I'm surprised Bob the Builder ever gets anything done He's surrounded by tools

Score: 6

I really wanted to make an obscure joke about tools, but awl I could come up with was this one. Nailed it.

Score: 6

I suspected my friend of using my carpentry tools without my permission... And when he bragged he made a new front door decoration, I knew it was a sign.

Score: 6

Only a bad chef blames his tools, Jeremy.. Yeah, but trying to fillet a fish with a spoon just doesn't quite cut it.

Score: 6

You know, Apple really have given us some of the greatest tools of our generation They're called Apple fanboys.

Score: 6

What do lesbians and mechanics have in common? Snap-on tools

Score: 6

I have a good joke about stone tools but Its a bit of an Oldowan

Score: 6

I like my women like I like my tools Locked in my shed

Score: 6

What do you have when you don't focus on your tools? No attention spanner.

Score: 6

How many sculpting tools does Snoop Dogg usually use? Four chisel, my nizzle...

Score: 5

Did you hear about the surgeon who accidentally swapped his tools with the hospital handyman’s? His last surgery was gut wrenching.

Score: 5

A Lil Yachty concert is like a hardware store. All you see are a bunch of tools.

Score: 3

Traditionally, orthopedic surgeons were strong and dumb. But now they have power tools.

Score: 3

Where does Kim Jong Un shop for tools? Home Despot.

Score: 2

Jin Wong works in construction He had some of his tools and levels stolen so now he puts his name on his stuff..

Now everywhere I look its just Wong on so many levels..

Score: 1

Kids were playing with my garden tools again... ... so I've locked them in the garage.

They've been banging on the door all day.

Score: 1

Lice Technicians who work with substandard tools... Do their poor working conditions leave them scratching their heads?

Score: 1

After I do housework I neatly put all the tools away... ... so I don't accidently kick the bucket.

Score: 1

I went to a home improvement store and I pass through the "Tools and Hardware Aisle," all of a sudden I hear an array of beeping noises that stop when I continue on to the next aisle... Turns out the beeping was from stud finders.

(Re-telling of an old joke)

Score: 0

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