Ur Mama Jokes

It was called a jumpoline... ...until your mama got on it

Score: 100
Funny Ur Mama Jokes
Score: 40

A "your mama” joke for the books. Your mama is so stupid she puts lipstick on her forehead... Just to make up her mind.

Score: 29

Your mama is so fat... The NSA had to build a 2 billion dollar complex to store her weight information.

Score: 28

Your mama's so fat... Her shirts have more X's than Taylor Swift.

Score: 28

Your mama so fat... ##Thanos had to clap

Score: 21

Your mama is so ugly that when she met Bill Cosby he made her espresso.

Score: 13

Your mama is so fat….. Your daddy proposed to her with an onion ring.

Score: 12

Your mama is so fat When she went to the court house and the judge said 'order, order', she said 'a burger and chips please!'

Score: 11

Your mama's so fat... her DNA results said "one at a time, please."

Score: 8

Your mama so fat... I was gunna make a movie about her - “around your mum In 80 days” but I changed it to “mission impossible”.

Score: 8

Your mama's so fat When she stepped on the weighing scale the number that was displayed exceeded the 64-bit limit and went back to zero!

^^^^I'm ^^^^sorry..

Score: 6

Your mama is so fat... If you and I stood ten feet from her and you walked to her then walked back to me I would have aged 20 years due to gravitational time dilation.

Score: 6

Your mama so stupid she tried kill herself in the garage with the car running... Too bad she drives a Tesla.

Score: 5

Your mama is so ugly Your dad wakes up with morning wouldn’t.

Score: 5

Your mama's so fat... When she walked past the TV, I missed the first season of LOST.

Score: 4

Your mama's so stupid She killed herself for life insurance

Score: 4

Your mama so fat one selfie and her phone says storage full.

Score: 4

Your mama so fat she starts the alphabet with the letter O She says, "OBCD"

Score: 4

Your mama's mouth is like a smoke house. Everyone is always hanging their meat in it.

Score: 3

Your mama is so fat... Her alphabet is the KFCs

Score: 3

Your mama so poor....... She went on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire just to make a phone call.

Score: 3

Your mama's so dumb ... ... she walked into the antique store and asked, "What's new?"

Score: 3

Your mama's so poor, She was walking down the street with one shoe, someone came up and asked her if she had lost a shoe and she said,
"No, I found one"

Score: 3

"Your mama" jokes are too outdated. Just like your mama

Score: 3

Your mama's so poor, she walks around with one shoe and when people ask her if she lost a shoe she says, "no, I found one!"

Score: 3

Your mama so fat Her DNA wears a shirt in the gene pool

Score: 3

Your mama is old... She used to share a corner with Mary Magdalen.

(Came up with it while camping with my folks. Can't believe I said that outloud, I'm church going, born again Christian lol)

Score: 3

Your mama is so fat that by the time she turned around her biological clock ran out!

Score: 3

Your mama is so fat that the recursive function computing her mass causes a stack overflow

Score: 2

Your mama so fat.. Her curve set everyone's grade to A+

Score: 2

Your Mama is so fat that... ...if she were an interstate the speed limit would drop to 55 due to curves.

Score: 2

I can break the fourth wall with a joke All I need is your mama

Cause your mama is so fat

If she breaks a wall

She shatters reality

Score: 1

Your mama is so fat, when she tripped and fell the only one cracking up was the ground

Score: 1

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