Volunteer Jokes

I saw a 4 year old girl crying, all alone "Are you ok?" I asked her. "Do you know where your mommy and daddy are?"

"No" she sobbed

I love doing volunteer work at the orphanage

Score: 1528
Funny Volunteer Jokes
Score: 1177

I signed up to volunteer at a pro-life bake sale I'll be selling cups of uncooked batter and insisting they're actually cupcakes

Score: 87

My motto is "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again." They don't let me volunteer for the suicide prevention hotline anymore.

Score: 81

So I applied for a random volunteer job at my church I really hope I get the missionary position

Score: 41

I volunteer part time as a jouster at the renaissance fair. I’m a free lancer.

Score: 36

As a volunteer, I taught a seminar on how to write persuasive speeches at my local prison. I titled the course: "Prose and Cons".

Score: 16

I saw a 4 year girl crying, all alone. “Are you ok?” I asked her. “Do you know where your mommy and daddy are?”

“No” she sobbed.

I love doing volunteer work at the orphanage.

Score: 13

No one understands how important milliseconds are, better than volunteer firefighters It's the amount of time they have from meeting you, to telling you they are a volunteer firefighter.

Score: 7

What do you call a volunteer bricklayer? A freemason.

Score: 7

For my next joke ..I need a volunteer, preferably a doctor.

Score: 6

My girlfriend asked me why I always volunteer to drive her around on Rosh Hashanah... I dunno, I just heard they always blow the shofar.

Score: 6

Using a pencil to vote in the 2015 General Election... As safe an option as letting Jimmy Saville volunteer in a Kids Hospital.

Score: 4

I volunteer a lot at a children's hospice... It never gets old.

Score: 4

Milliseconds are important to volunteer firefighters. It's the amount of time they have in between meeting you, and telling you they are a volunteer firefighter.

Score: 4

What did the Italian say when he tested his first successful skunk perfume on a volunteer? You reek-uh!

OC- as far as I know

Score: 4

Magicians in The Future "I need a volunteer. Hmm... Yes, you! The attack helicopter in the red shirt!"

Score: 3

After work, I volunteer to help blind children Btw verb, not adjective

Score: 3

A man was at a HIV volunteer center... ...to give a motivational talk to the patients

He told them they need to stay positive.

Not surprise he got kicked out shortly after

Score: 2

I was asked if I wanted to volunteer at the U2 concert... ...I said I don't like to do Pro Bono work.

Score: 2

TIL... Tomorrow I learned that Steve Buscemi was a volunteer firefighter on Sep....

Score: 2

United airlines did get one good thing out of this all. Everyone will volunteer their seat if they're over booked.

Score: 2

I don't know about you, but I'd love to volunteer at a battered women's shelter I betcha the cakes they make are amazing

Score: 2

What kind of clothes does a volunteer wear? Participants.

Score: 2

What does NAVY stand for? Never Again Volunteer Yourself.

Score: 2

What do you call a hospital volunteer with a cocaine habit? A nose candy striper.

[and no, not stripper. that would be too many levels. And you couldn't tell it to your Sunday school members]

Score: 2

Why does Georgia volunteer to keep the fire going through the night whenever the southern states go camping? Because Georgia stays woke

Score: 2

I need a volunteer to test Stockholm syndrome. Any takers?

Edit: This is a dumb joke...

Score: 1

Milliseconds are important to volunteer firefighters It's the amount of time they have after meeting you to tell you they are a volunteer firefighter.

Score: 1

Woman is at her funeral a man stands up he says "Volunteer"

"That helps a lot" replied the woman

Score: 1

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