Whats Up Jokes

I just saw an Indian guy shaking a piece of carpet outside his door. I said, "Whats up, Won't it start?"

Score: 150
Funny Whats Up Jokes
Score: 22

A blind man walks into a fish store ... and says: "Whats up girls".

Score: 13

How do Japanese bloods say whats up to eachother? Wassah B?

Score: 4

Me : I'm terrified of directions Therapist : Right

Me : *screams*

Therapist : Whats up with you now...

Me : *screaming intensifies*

Score: 4

Whats up Cake? Muffin

Score: 3

How do gnomes greet eachother? "Whats up Gnomie"

Score: 2

How do Japanese bloods say whats up to eahother? Wassah B?

Score: 1

I was walking down the road when I ... ...saw an Afghan bloke standing on a 5th floor balcony shaking a carpet.

I shouted up to him"Whats up, Abdul, wont it start?"

Score: 1

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