Bored Jokes


Funniest Bored Jokes

Nice Dad Father: Son, I donated all your toys to the children's home.

Son: Why did you do that?

Father: So you will not be bored there.

Score: 5103

Dad: I gave all your toys to the orphanage Kid: Why did you do that dad?

Dad: So you won't get bored there.

Edit: Holy Moley guys! Thanks for getting me on first page! Much love and I promise I'll bring you more good jokes ;)

Score: 2842
Funny Bored Jokes
Score: 2686

I’ve been bored recently so I have decided to take up fencing. The neighbors said they will call the police unless I put it back.

Score: 1125

I was really bored, so I decided to memorize six pages of the dictionary. I learned next to nothing.

Score: 1122

Two midgets are sitting around, bored... When one of them pulls out some weed and asks:

"Wanna get medium?"

Score: 890

Asian Keanu Asian Keanu arrives at party.

Asian Keanu gets bored.

Asian Keanu Reeves.

Score: 402

I was tired and bored one night, so I went to the bar to have a few drinks. The bartender asked me, “What’ll you have?” I said, “Surprise me.” He showed me a naked picture of my wife.

Score: 336

Scientists got bored of watching the earth spin for 24 hours. So they called it a day.

Score: 318

What does a slave driver do with his slaves when he's bored? He racism.

Score: 290

Is it possible to be bored to death? That all depends on the drill.

Score: 225

Asian keanu Asian Keanu arrives at a party

Asian Keanu gets bored

Asian keanu Reeves

Score: 203

What does my dad do when he's drunk and bored? Beats me

Score: 158

I was so bored that I memorized six pages of a dictionary. I learned next to nothing.

Score: 76

Why did the Hobbit put his phone on silent? Because he was bored of the rings!

Score: 73

Why Are There No Cats On Mars? because Curiosity killed the cat

(im just bored in a lecture)

Score: 70

Scientists got bored watching the earth turn, so after 24 hours They called it a day

Score: 68

I'm bored Think I will go to the mall, find a great parking spot and sit in my car with my reverse lights on.

Score: 40

The father says to his son: "I brought all your toys to the orphanage." The son answers: "Why did you do this?!"

"So you don't get bored."

Score: 37

My girlfriend is getting bored of my obsession with pretending to be a detective, she's suggested we should split up. It's a good idea, we'll cover more ground that way.

Score: 36

Millennials have such short attention spans Says the generation that got bored of going to the moon by the third time

Score: 28

What was the bored pasta found doing? Stroganoff.

Score: 23

Today I was so bored that I put a bit of sugar right in front of an ant. The ant spent some good minutes eating the sugar, as it left to call his other ant friends, I cleaned it up so they would think she's lying.

Score: 23

What did grandma and grandpa do before there was Internet? I mean, didn't they get bored?

I asked my 32 uncles and aunts, but they didn't know either.

Score: 22

What did our parents do when they were bored back in the days before the internet or video games? I asked this question to my 24 brothers and sisters too...

Score: 21

I was so bored earlier I made a belt out of watches. It was a complete waist of time.

Score: 19

The clock was bored of his tick-tock... he changed to a better tack-tick.

Score: 18

Got an e-mail today from a "bored housewife 32, looking for some action!". So I sent her my ironing, that'll keep her busy!

Score: 18

When my mates and I are bored we play catch with our watches It's a fun way to pass the time

Score: 15

Dumb joke I thought of while bored at work. Why is working at Amazon warehouse like being a coke addict?

You spend 10 hours a day doing nothing but clearing lines.

Score: 14

What game should you play if you're bored in a bus full of indians? Connect the dots.

Score: 11

Back when I went to college, we didn't have Netflix and Chill. We had Room and Bored.

Score: 9

What does Harry Potter play with when he's bored? Ginny Weasley's emotions.

Score: 8

When I'm bored I love seeing how many different watches I can strap onto my wrists. I have too much time on my hands.

Score: 7

The wife and cat Wife: [talking & making baby noises at cat]

Husband: You must be really bored

Wife: No I'm not

Husband: I was talking to the cat

Score: 5

In which month should you not trust a Jew? July!

-bored on a 28 hour road trip. It was the best we could do.

Score: 4

The clock was bored of his tick-tock. So it changed to a better tack-tick.

Score: 4

A musician had nothing to do so he decided to go have a drink, but the door was locked. The bar door barred the bored bard.

Score: 4

I chucked out my daughter's Barbies because I was bored of her playing with them all the time. Now there's never a doll moment.

Score: 4

What does a frog do when he's bored? rrrrrrrrreddit

Score: 4

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After the middle eastern people met obama, they were soon tired and bored. He kept droning on.

Score: 0

[DARK] If you are ever bored, punch an orphan What are they gonna do, tell their parents?

Score: 0

What do you do if your bored at weight watches? Throw a packet of maltesers over the floor and play hungry hungry hippoes

Score: 0

What does a shoe do when it's bored? Lace in bed and sleeps

Score: 0

What did a bored Julius Caesar ask his friend? It 2, Brute?

Score: 1

Got an e-mail today from a bored housewife looking for some action! I sent her my ironing, that'll keep her busy.

Score: 3

Was bored shopping with my girlfriend Went into the changing room and after 5 minutes yelled that there is no toilet paper in here.

Score: 1

Once there was a man who walked untill he got very tired and bored, So he started running.

Score: 1

I was bored so I read like six pages of the dictionary. I learned next to nothing.

Score: 3

Dad: Hey do you want to go to the fun walk? Daughter: What’s that?

Dad: That thing by the beach

Daughter: You mean the bored walk?

Dad: You don’t like it?

Score: 3

Scientists and astrologers got bored of watching the earth rotate So they called it a day.

Score: 1

Why was the horse bored? No horseplay

Score: 1

Sometimes I'll write the setup for a really good pun but just get bored and give up... I've been accused of being a deadbeat dad-joker.

Score: 1

What does Harry Potter play with when he's bored? A quidditch spinner.

(Told to me by a 7 year old)

Score: 1

What do you call being bored after finally quitting the last job you'll ever work? Re-tired

Score: 1

What did the pirate say when he was bored? "I'm gonna browse on arrg/jokes"

Score: 1

I never get bored at my aquarium job... It keeps me octopi-ed

Score: 2

Why were 3 women in bed with Donald Trump bored? Because he's horrible with four in affairs

Score: 1

I was bored with my life, and wanted to change something. I changed my mind.

Score: 3

I am so bored in my current profession. I am thinking of becoming a bartender... shake things up a bit.

Score: 2

When he got bored, my friend suddenly started smashing all the clocks in the room. I guess he did it to kill some time.

Score: 1

I don't see why people dislike racial diversity I'm getting bored of watching the 100 meter dash.

Score: 1

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