Cough Jokes


Funniest Cough Jokes

Courtesy of my youngest child - why didn't Elsa see a doctor for her sore throat and cough? Because a cold never bothered her anyway.

My youngest son thought of this all by himself...he's a 38-year-old lawyer in Nebraska.

Score: 17223

I called work this morning and whispered, "Sorry boss, I can't come in today. I have a wee cough." He exclaimed, "You have a wee cough!?" I said, "Really?! Thanks boss, see you next week!"

Score: 14881
Funny Cough Jokes
Score: 2616

I rang work and I said "I can't come in today, I have a wee cough" The boss said "You have a wee cough?"

I said "Wow, thanks boss, see you next Wednesday!"

Score: 2495

I phoned my work this morning... I phoned my work this morning and said, "Sorry boss, I can't come in today, I have a wee cough."

He said, "You have a wee cough?"

I said, "Really? Cheers boss, see you next week

Score: 154

Roses are red, I've got a bad cough Settings -> Notifications -> Trending -> **OFF**

Score: 56

A teenage girl went to visit the doctor for her cough complaint. The doctor examined her with his stethoscope. 'Big breaths' he said. 'Yeah, and I am only thixteen' she replied.

Score: 54

What is the similarity between a cough syrup and an undertaker? They both take away the coffin.

Score: 41

I tried to buy some cough syrup earlier, but apparently you need photographic ID. Anyhow, I solved the problem.

I bought a huge box of laxatives and took them all - now I'm far too scared to cough.

Score: 38

The Week Off? Me: Sorry boss, i can't come in today, i have a wee cough
Boss: you have a wee cough?
Me:Really?! thanks boss, see you next week!

Score: 34

A Scotsman phoned his boss: Sorry boss I will not be in to work today, I have a wee cough, Boss replies you have a wee cough?: Scotsman says OK Boss but I was only going to take today off....

Score: 34

Why did Ms. Piggy cough? She had a little frog in her throat.

Score: 27

A Scottish guy phones in sick to work. Boss ask's what is wrong Jimmy? Jimmy replies I have a wee cough.

Boss says you have a wee cough? Jimmy says thank you Boss I was only going to take one day.

Score: 25

What did Cinderella say when she got to the ball? *Cough-Choke-Cough-Gag-Cough*

Score: 22

What does Cinderella say when she gets to the ball? *cough* *cough*

Score: 21

When my mother died all my father said was, "Cough, fatigue, fever." He's a man of flu words.

Score: 20

Doctor... "I see your cough is getting better" Patient ...." Yes, I've been practicing all night"

Score: 17

Why did the man with acute bronchitis go on holiday? Because he had a wee cough

Score: 15

A Doctor says to his Patient... “Your cough sounds much better this morning”
“It should be,” says the patient. “I’ve been practising all night”

Score: 15

*Cough* I have a friend who died from one of those. It was under his neighbor's wife's bed.

Score: 13

The guy who invented the cough lozenge died last week. There was no coffin at the funeral.

Score: 9

Doctor to assistant: I said to give the patient something for his cough! Why did you give him a laxative?! Assistant: Well he's not coughing anymore, is he?
Doctor: ..I guess he wouldn't dare..

Score: 9

Did you hear the one about a pony with a cough? It was a little horse.

Score: 8

Why does the doctor make you turn your head and cough? So you don't cough on the doctor

Score: 7

Arizona may be a COVID 19 hot spot... ...but at least its a dry cough.

Score: 7

What's the worst part about getting a lung transplant? The first couple of times you cough, the loogeys aren't yours!

Score: 6

My dying laptop's last wishes (Coughing) Marvin im dying and before I die (cough intensifies)
I want you to promise me'll take my hard disk and put it in your next computer
I want my memory to live on

Score: 6

Petting Zoo A woman at a petting zoo bent down to pet a pony. She began to cough violently. A man came over to her an asked her to leave. She said,"What? It's no big deal! I'm just feeling a little hoarse!"

Score: 5

Why did the farmer give the pony a cough drop He was a little hoarse.

Score: 5

The English language is bizzare There was a young girl from Slough

Who choked on a piece of raw dough

But the time she was through

With hiccup and cough

She woke everyone in the borough

Score: 5

What's the worst part about getting a lung transplant? The first cough is not your phlegm.

Score: 5

Why do cannibals cough so much when eating hands? They get a tickle in their throat

Score: 5

If you are not supposed to abuse cough syrup, Then why does it come with a plastic shot glass?

Score: 4

What is a Pot Heads favorite body part? 'ear *cough* 'ear

Score: 4

How you stop a break-in? With a warning cough at the top of the stairs.

Score: 2

Hear about the famous chain-smoking Dutch painter? Vincent Van Cough

Score: 2

What did the angry pharmacist say as he handed over some strepsils? "For cough"

Score: 2

Steve Bannon called in sick today "Sore throat? "Kellyanne Asked.

Bannon replied: "It's Mein Cough"

Score: 2

What do a doctor and a bad comedian have in common? They both make people turn their heads and cough.

Score: 2

Did you pick up a disease at the Vietnamese place? Because Pho Cough.

Score: 1

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Where do cats go skiing? On a meowntain! Hahaha haha hahaha ha cough heh

Score: 1

Doctor, do you have anything against my cough? Of course not, you can cough as much as you like.

Score: 1

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