What's the difference between a jazz guitarist and a rock guitarist? A rock guitarist plays 10 chords for 50,000 people, and a jazz guitarist plays 50,000 chords for 10 people.
Why was the guitarist arrested? He was fingering A minor
What do you call a guitarist without a girlfriend?
A bassist.
(Don't get triggered, I play bass and I find this funny)
Why did the guitarist get thrown in jail? He was caught fingering A Minor.
What's the fastest way to make money as a guitarist? By selling your guitar.
Why did the guitarist go to prison? For fingering a minor.
Musicians are perverts. The drummer sits in the back beating it, the guitarist is constantly fingering minors, the bassist is slapping it around, and they all like the pianist.
Why did the guitarist get arrested? He fingered A minor
Why was the guitarist arrested? Because he broke a G-String fingering A minor
What's the difference between a lead guitarist and a terrorist? You can actually negotiate with a terrorist.
Why did the guitarist go to jail? He was fingering A minor
What's the difference between a guitarist and a pizza A pizza can feed a family of four
Why did the guitarist go to jail? For fingering A minor.
The Edge walks into a bar.
U2 guitarist The Edge walks into a bar and says to the bartender "I'll ......................................... have a pint of Guinness."
The bartender replies "What's with all the delay?"
Why did the ska guitarist take twice as long to fap? He only knows up strokes
How many guitarist does it take to play stairway to heaven? Apparently all of them
Why did the guitarist get arrested? For fingering A Minor
Guitarist Arrested for Fingering Minor... Considered to be a fret to himself and others
It's the year 2295...
Dude: I'm a classically trained guitarist.
Neo-90s Kid: Radical!
Dude: So anyway, here's Wonderwall.
Why did the guitarist go to jail? He fingered A minor.
Why did the lead guitarist get sent to prison? for fingering a minor
How do you get a guitarist to stop playing? Give them some sheet music
What does a guitarist say when he gets to his gig? "...Would you like fries with that?"
You hear about the legendary guitarist that had no vehicle ? Carless Santana
They say I play like a prison guitarist I'm always behind a few bars, and I can never find the right keys
Why did the guitarist go to jail? Fingering A minor.
Why was the guitarist arrested Every night he fingered A minor
A guitarist met a bassist and they had a jam...
After a while, the bassist stopped and said:
"That is very good and all, but why won't you play A?"
The guitarist replied "because 440 Hz"
What's the difference between a large pizza and a bass guitarist? A large pizza can feed a family of four!
A guitarist was sent to jail for fingering a minor
What's the difference between a guitarist and a pizza? A pizza can feed a family
How do you invite a guitarist to a party? Chordially.
A pirate is having lunch with Guns n Roses guitarist Slash Slash tells a story that the pirate obviously knows is fake and the pirate says “Arrr Slash, quit your bullshit”
Why was the guitarist put in jail? For fingering A minor
What do you say when there's a singer, guitarist, bassist, and a drummer in a boat? Abandon ship
Why did the anxious guitarist quit the band? He didn't want to fret anymore.
A local guitarist went to jail today It was a major incident that involved a few minors and some g-strings.
A guitarist goes undercover in an ant nest
A worker ant recognizes the secret agent and shouts "That person over there is not a worker, that is Queen!"
He was trialed for conspiracy.
A guitarist accidentally fingered the wrong minor Now he's in jail
What does the guitarist of the Black Keys do on Daylight Savings time? He sets his clock an Auerbach.
My friend was a pretty good guitarist But that one time he stepped in a puddle while playing his electric guitar on an old, badly grounded amp, he became a great conductor.
How much talent did the lead guitarist of Cream have? A Clap-Ton.
A guitarist traveled back in time to the Medieval Ages and became an apprentice to a noble knight He was a squier.
I may be a Canadian blues guitarist... ..but I'm not your Buddy Guy.
What did the guitarist go to prison for? Fingering a minor.
How do you become as good a guitarist as Steve Vai? You take your Vaitamins.