Ninja Jokes


Funniest Ninja Jokes

Funny Ninja Jokes
Score: 647

When I went to Japan on vacation, I didn't see a single ninja. Impressive.

Score: 461

Can a ninja kill someone with a throwing star? Shuriken.

Score: 196

Can the ninja throw his ninja stars? Shurikan

Score: 187

My friend was raped by a teenager mutant ninja turtle. He wasn't wearing a mask, so we don't know which one did it.

Score: 166

I met a ninja and asked if he could throw those pointy stars that ninjas have. He said, "shuriken."

Score: 134

What do you call a red headed ninja? A Ginja

Score: 130

The Ninja Turtles went to a weapons store. They all got what they wanted except for Raphael They didn't have his sai's.

Score: 97

Can a ninja throw a star? Shuriken

Score: 83

I just went to Japan and didn't see a single ninja there Impressive!

Score: 79

FATHER'S DAY DAD JOKE: What kind of shoes does a ninja wear? Sneakers

Score: 77

What is an office ninja's most deadly weapon? The element of supplies

Score: 64

I'm like a ninja at the gym Cause you'll never see me there

Score: 59

The Ninja Turtles went to a store to buy new weapons. Everyone got what they needed except for Raphael They didn't have his sai's.

Score: 50

Ninja Joke Can a viking throw an axe?
Sure he can.
Can a cowboy throw a lasso?
Sure he can.
Can a ninja throw a spinning blade?

Score: 46

My name is Boninjab It's pronounced Bob.
The ninja is silent.

Score: 46

What's the difference between a ginger and a ninja? One's a soulless killing machine. The other is a highly trained martial artist.

Score: 45

I didn't see you at Ninja school today Nice work

Score: 44

You're the best ninja I've ever seen! And the worst ninja in general.

Score: 40

Can a ninja throw a star? Shur-he-can!

Score: 39

I've just been robbed by a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Though ironically, he wasn't wearing a mask so I don't know which one he was.

Score: 38

Joke from my 7 year old cousin - Why did the ninja go to college? He wanted to be a ninja-neer.

Score: 34

What did the claustrophobic ninja do when he fell down a well? He flipped out

Score: 31

Can a ninja throw projectile weapons? Shuriken!

Score: 29

My favorite psychic joke Ninja edit: sorry guys I didn't realize this was a repost from tomorrow

Score: 23

Two ninjas are talking on a rooftop Ninja 1: Hey can you show me your Throwing Star skills?

Ninja 2: Shuriken

Score: 23

Can a ninja attack you from a distance? Shuriken

Score: 20

Two ninjas are training in a field. One ninja says "I'll bet you can't hit that that target with your throwing star."
The other ninja says "Shur-I-ken."

Score: 18

What kind of shoes does a Ninja wear? Sneakers.

Score: 18

Why do most people fail ninja school? Because they show up to class.

Score: 18

Can a ninja aim precisely? surehecan

Score: 15

A ninja, a priest and a rabbi walk into a bar. The bartender says, “Good to see you two”

Score: 6

What do you call a ninja turtle with an addiction to pastries? Donutello

Score: 6

What do you tell the teenage mutant ninja turtle Raphael when he picks up a miniature version of his weapons? Those are the wrong Sais.

Score: 5

What weapon does a ninja use when he just really don't care.. Nun-Fukks

Score: 5

What do you get when you're cut by a katana? A ninja-ry.

Score: 3

What's a ninja's favorite drink? Wataa!

Score: 3

What are ninja's favorite shoes? Sneakers.

Score: 3

I had hired a ninja for my child who was struggling with entomology. It worked because... She know bee

Score: 2

I was at a metal concert and a ninja sprung from the croud He was undetected, unexpected

Score: 2

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New Ninja Jokes

Who is the sweetest ninja turtle? It's Donut-ello

Score: 1

What does your wife and a ninja have in common? You'll never see her coming

Score: 1

Why was the ninja fired from his job? He was shuriken his duties.

Score: 2

A teenage mutant ninja turtle walks into a bar Yeah, right, like ninjas would ever be *seen* walking into a bar.

Score: 2

I realized placing a long umbrella on my back does not make me like a ninja samurai... But more like a Teletubbies.

Score: 2

There is a man with a friend who is a ninja.... The man asks, "Ninja, can you help me out with this lightbulb?"

The ninja replies "Shur-i-ken!"

Score: 2

A freind tells me she's going to buy a blender called the ninja master. I told her she should get the taichi master instead.

It gives more yang for your buck.

Score: 0

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