Russia started a new website that tracks down and deletes pirated movies. Nyetflix.
I think I've been hacked by Russia. Edit: I not hacked by Russia. The motherland do no such thing. Have good day.
Putin visits Estonia
Immigration officer says: "Name?". "Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin".
"Address?" "Kremlin, Moscow, Russia".
"Occupation?" "No, this time just visiting".
I think I've been hacked by Russia Edit: I not hacked. Motherland do no such thing. Have good day.
I jokingly told my friend I was collecting the corpses of past emperors of Russia and dumping them into a giant ravine, but he thought I was serious and asked what was wrong with me. I guess he just doesn't understand tsar chasm.
Why is Trump excited Russia was banned from the 2018 Winter Olympics? It makes it easier to decide who to cheer for
Donald Trump is like top shelf vodka Expensive, Transparent, and wouldn't be here if not for Russia.
In Soviet Russia, you rob banks... in Capitalist America, banks rob you!
Russia's president wasn't elected.... He was Putin!
My friend asked me "if you could have any super power in the world, what would it be?" I said Cold War Russia.
Can a woman be the president of Russia? No because Putin is not a woman
A boy is studying for his geography quiz
His mom asks him:
"What is the capital of Germany?"
"Berlin", says the boy.
"What is the capital of France?"
"What is the capital of Russia?"
"You're so smart, Adolf, I know you'll do great on your quiz."
There are only two seasons in Russia: Winter and nuclear winter.
I Hear that Russia is so mad about the US airstrike in syria That they are seriously considering voting democratic in the next election.
Why can't Russia have a female president? Because Putin is not a woman.
What's the difference between a cow and the Trump-Russia controversy? You can't milk a cow 24/7 for six months straight.
Putin recently won the election with about 77 percent of the vote, Over the next few weeks Russia will see a 23 percent population decrease.
Democracy in Russia I bet you were expecting more.
If Russia invaded Turkey from the rear... Would Greece help?
In Russia, we have only two TV channels; Channel one is Soviet propaganda... Channel two is KGB agent telling you to go back to channel one.
Putin lands at Helsinki airport...
...and the immigration officer says "Name?". "Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin". "Address?" "Kremlin, Moscow, Russia". "Occupation?" "No, this time just visiting".
Credit goes to a dude in the Finland thread. Made me laugh.
A young boy goes to his father in Russia
The boy asks "Papa, could I please have 5 rubles"
Papa is surprised and asks "20 rubles? Why do you need 50 rubles?"
I think I've been hacked by Russia Edit: I not hacked by Russia. The motherland do no such thing. Have a good day
Why couldn't the American fly home from Russia after the Olympics? Because he was Snow'den.
The England Football Team visited an Orphanage in Russia yesterday.. "It's heart breaking to see their little faces with no hope", said Vladimir, aged 6.
In Russia, you don't vote for Putin... Putin votes FOR you.
Homosexuality in Russia is a crime, and the punishment is seven years in prison, locked up with hundreds of other men. There is a three year waiting list.
If hillary nukes Russia I can see the headlines now "Everyone in Moscow commits suicide"
Congratulations to Ukraine to winning the Eurovision Song Contest. Can't wait for Russia to host it next year.
Russia's Three Steps to Homework
Step 1. Putin it off
Step 2. Stalin
Step 3. Russian to finish
I jokingly told my friend I was collecting the bodies of past emperors of Russia and dumping them into a giant ravine, but he thought I was serious and asked what was wrong with me. I guess he just doesn't understand tsar chasm.
Where does Justin Timberlake take his holidays in Russia ? Crimea River
Who was the unluckiest person in Soviet Russia? Yuri Gagarin. He circled the earth 3 times but still ended up in Russia.
Why are Trump's ties so long? Because they go all the way to Russia
My Psychology Professor asked me what Super Power I would like to have... Apparently "Cold War Era Russia" is not an acceptable answer.
In Soviet Russia, pessimist says "things couldn't possibly possibly get any worse"... Russian optimist says "Yes they can!!!"
Come on, Trump has no ties in Russia. His ties are made in China. His business loans are in Russia.
What country had a history of procrastination? Russia. At one point, they were all for Stalin.
In America, you can always find a party. In Russia, the Party can always find you.
It's not easy being the President of Russia
Putin waking up.
Oh glorious leader, bad news ... we have lost Georgia
In school, work determines your marks In Soviet Russia, Marx determines your work!
Russia isn’t doing a good job at achieving world power Maybe they should Putin more
It's not called womb in mother russia... Its uter'us'
What do you call a tree living in Russia? Dimitree
In Soviet Russia, there is no meiosis There is only ourosis
In Soviet Russia we're all equal... worthless.
What would America do if Russia painted the moon red? Paint Coca Cola over it in white.
Why will the 2018 world cup in Russia be so cold? There's no Chile in it.
If you had to choose one superpower to have forever please legalize weed if it's Russia. Thanks in advance.
In Soviet Russia, they don’t play The Floor is Lava... They play The Floor is Democracy
Why did it Take so long For Russia to abolish Communism? The Leader was Stalin
How did Russia win the second World War? By stalin' the german advance
If Russia is so good at defeating it's enemies in the Winter Then how come they lost the Cold War?
What did Putin say to Obama when Russia annexed Crimea? Crimea river.
If a man were born in Russia, raised in Spain, and buried in France, what would he be? Dead.
What are coffee shops in Russia called? Tsarbucks.
If USA invaded Canada, Russia would save them... Because they've got poutine!
What is Russia's national dish? Empty
Why did the FBI go to question Sarah Palin while investigating Trump's collusion? Because she can see Russia from her house.
Here in Soviet Russia
You rob bank.
Here in Capitalist America, bank rob you!
In Soviet Russia there are only two Tv channels. Channel one is propaganda. Channel two is KGB agent telling you to go back to channel one.
In light of Trump’s increasing volume of golf: What’s the difference between Hitler and Trump? It only took Hitler one shot to get out of the bunker he ended up in after succumbing to Russia.
In Russia, People Don't Choose Russia's President People choose United States president
I thought Trump's ties were made in China... Why is everyone saying they're from Russia now?
Why was there no school in Soviet Russia? Because it was a classless society
You have to read this in Paul McCartney's voice
When I find my tweets are causing trouble
Mother Russia comforts me
Tweeting words of wisdom
A Canadian visits Russia
A Canadian visits Russia and goes to a restaurant that serves fries with gravy and cheese. He says, "I hate this poutine".
He was never seen again.
Tributes from around the globe are still pouring in after the death of Sir Roger Moore… The one from Vladimir Putin read: "From Russia, with love."
What happens to investigative journalists in Russia? They're Putin jail
Jokes in Russia aren't funny... Unless everyone gets them.
What do you say when there's no internet in Russia? Internyet.
What's Russia's favorite dish? Poutine.
In Russia they don't use a 'royal we'... Instead, they use a Bourgeois-we
What is Donald Trump's favorite movie? From Russia with Love.
In Russia nobody ever says "thank you" Because there, they speak russian.
What did Russia say after Trump bombed Syria? "This is Syria's business."
How do you get someone in Russia to wait? Stalin
I really like European food... I decided to Russia over to a European restaurant because I was Hungary. After Czech'ing the menu I ordered Turkey. When I was Finnished I told the waiter 'Spain good but there is Norway I could eat another bite'.
America Wants You! In Soviet Russia, you want America.
Polish history in five words: Stuck between Germany & Russia.
What happens when Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Ukraine and Latvia get back together? A Soviet reunion
What do you call it when you can't leave Russia cause it's precipitating under 32 degrees? Snowden
What did Russia say to Ukraine after they annexed their peninsula? Crimea river.
What do you call it when there is no internet in Russia? Internyet.
Trump really does make everything overseas He had his shirts made in Korea, his glasses made in China, and his Presidency made in Russia.
roses are red, violets are blue in soviet russia, poems write you.
What do you call a person who doesn't like Soviet Russia? A citizen of Soviet Russia
In Soviet Russia, a Judge bursts into his chambers laughing
*"I've just heard the funniest joke about Stalin... ever!"*
*"Well, go ahead and tell us."*, the other Judges ask.
*"I can't. I just gave someone a life sentence for it."*
Tired of people complaining about Ukrainian body's of water that Russia is occupying Crimea river.
I haven't seen a team blow a win this bad... Since Hitler invaded Russia
NASA spent 1.5mil on a pen that works in space. Russia putin a pencil.
What is Russia's codename for Trump? Agent Orange.
Donald Trump wants to make Russia great again all along..... We should have known, he kept talking about seizing the means of reproduction after all
My Russian friends cringe everytime I tell a joke... Because in Russia line punch you.
Oldie - -Communist China telegrams Soviet Russia
Communist China:
Soviet reply:
Communist China:
Russia: Why did the chicken cross the road?
Ukraine: I don't know Russia why?
Russia: To rescue oppressed Russian minority
What is Russia's favorite imported product? Ukraine.
If your soviet girlfriend wants to take it slow Don't Russia
My roommate just told me he tried to walk to Russia from Alaska. He pulled up short because he couldn't get his Bering Strait.