Russia Jokes


Funniest Russia Jokes

Russia started a new website that tracks down and deletes pirated movies. Nyetflix.

Score: 14063

I think I've been hacked by Russia. Edit: I not hacked by Russia. The motherland do no such thing. Have good day.

Score: 12347

Putin visits Estonia Immigration officer says: "Name?". "Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin".


"Address?" "Kremlin, Moscow, Russia".


"Occupation?" "No, this time just visiting".

Score: 9680
Funny Russia Jokes
Score: 8848

I think I've been hacked by Russia Edit: I not hacked. Motherland do no such thing. Have good day.

Score: 1808

I jokingly told my friend I was collecting the corpses of past emperors of Russia and dumping them into a giant ravine, but he thought I was serious and asked what was wrong with me. I guess he just doesn't understand tsar chasm.

Score: 1558

Why is Trump excited Russia was banned from the 2018 Winter Olympics? It makes it easier to decide who to cheer for

Score: 888

Donald Trump is like top shelf vodka Expensive, Transparent, and wouldn't be here if not for Russia.

Score: 829

In Soviet Russia, you rob banks... in Capitalist America, banks rob you!

Score: 736

Russia's president wasn't elected.... He was Putin!

Score: 541

My friend asked me "if you could have any super power in the world, what would it be?" I said Cold War Russia.

Score: 477

Can a woman be the president of Russia? No because Putin is not a woman

Score: 451

A boy is studying for his geography quiz His mom asks him:

"What is the capital of Germany?"

"Berlin", says the boy.

"What is the capital of France?"


"What is the capital of Russia?"


"You're so smart, Adolf, I know you'll do great on your quiz."

Score: 428

There are only two seasons in Russia: Winter and nuclear winter.

Score: 297

I Hear that Russia is so mad about the US airstrike in syria That they are seriously considering voting democratic in the next election.

Score: 214

Why can't Russia have a female president? Because Putin is not a woman.

Score: 204

What's the difference between a cow and the Trump-Russia controversy? You can't milk a cow 24/7 for six months straight.

Score: 196

Putin recently won the election with about 77 percent of the vote, Over the next few weeks Russia will see a 23 percent population decrease.

Score: 180

Democracy in Russia I bet you were expecting more.

Score: 177

If Russia invaded Turkey from the rear... Would Greece help?

Score: 167

In Russia, we have only two TV channels; Channel one is Soviet propaganda... Channel two is KGB agent telling you to go back to channel one.

Score: 165

Putin lands at Helsinki airport... ...and the immigration officer says "Name?". "Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin". "Address?" "Kremlin, Moscow, Russia". "Occupation?" "No, this time just visiting".

Credit goes to a dude in the Finland thread. Made me laugh.

Score: 150

A young boy goes to his father in Russia The boy asks "Papa, could I please have 5 rubles"
Papa is surprised and asks "20 rubles? Why do you need 50 rubles?"

Score: 145

I think I've been hacked by Russia Edit: I not hacked by Russia. The motherland do no such thing. Have a good day

Score: 143

Why couldn't the American fly home from Russia after the Olympics? Because he was Snow'den.

Score: 134

The England Football Team visited an Orphanage in Russia yesterday.. "It's heart breaking to see their little faces with no hope", said Vladimir, aged 6.

Score: 129

In Russia, you don't vote for Putin... Putin votes FOR you.

Score: 128

Homosexuality in Russia is a crime, and the punishment is seven years in prison, locked up with hundreds of other men. There is a three year waiting list.

Score: 125

If hillary nukes Russia I can see the headlines now "Everyone in Moscow commits suicide"

Score: 121

Congratulations to Ukraine to winning the Eurovision Song Contest. Can't wait for Russia to host it next year.

Score: 106

Russia's Three Steps to Homework Step 1. Putin it off

Step 2. Stalin

Step 3. Russian to finish

Score: 81

I jokingly told my friend I was collecting the bodies of past emperors of Russia and dumping them into a giant ravine, but he thought I was serious and asked what was wrong with me. I guess he just doesn't understand tsar chasm.

Score: 65

Where does Justin Timberlake take his holidays in Russia ? Crimea River

Score: 63

Who was the unluckiest person in Soviet Russia? Yuri Gagarin. He circled the earth 3 times but still ended up in Russia.

Score: 60

Why are Trump's ties so long? Because they go all the way to Russia

Score: 59

My Psychology Professor asked me what Super Power I would like to have... Apparently "Cold War Era Russia" is not an acceptable answer.

Score: 43

In Soviet Russia, pessimist says "things couldn't possibly possibly get any worse"... Russian optimist says "Yes they can!!!"

Score: 42

Come on, Trump has no ties in Russia. His ties are made in China. His business loans are in Russia.

Score: 29

What country had a history of procrastination? Russia. At one point, they were all for Stalin.

Score: 25

In America, you can always find a party. In Russia, the Party can always find you.

Score: 25

Popular Topics

New Russia Jokes

It's not easy being the President of Russia Putin waking up.

Oh glorious leader, bad news ... we have lost Georgia


Score: 4

In school, work determines your marks In Soviet Russia, Marx determines your work!

Score: 7

Russia isn’t doing a good job at achieving world power Maybe they should Putin more

Score: 5

It's not called womb in mother russia... Its uter'us'

Score: 6

What do you call a tree living in Russia? Dimitree

Score: 17

In Soviet Russia, there is no meiosis There is only ourosis

Score: 5

In Soviet Russia we're all equal... worthless.

Score: 5

What would America do if Russia painted the moon red? Paint Coca Cola over it in white.

Score: 4

Why will the 2018 world cup in Russia be so cold? There's no Chile in it.

Score: 9

If you had to choose one superpower to have forever please legalize weed if it's Russia. Thanks in advance.

Score: 6

In Soviet Russia, they don’t play The Floor is Lava... They play The Floor is Democracy

Score: 8

Why did it Take so long For Russia to abolish Communism? The Leader was Stalin

Score: 14

How did Russia win the second World War? By stalin' the german advance

Score: 7

If Russia is so good at defeating it's enemies in the Winter Then how come they lost the Cold War?

Score: 12

What did Putin say to Obama when Russia annexed Crimea? Crimea river.

Score: 5

If a man were born in Russia, raised in Spain, and buried in France, what would he be? Dead.

Score: 9

What are coffee shops in Russia called? Tsarbucks.

Score: 8

If USA invaded Canada, Russia would save them... Because they've got poutine!

Score: 4

What is Russia's national dish? Empty

Score: 8

Why did the FBI go to question Sarah Palin while investigating Trump's collusion? Because she can see Russia from her house.

Score: 5

Here in Soviet Russia You rob bank.
Here in Capitalist America, bank rob you!

Score: 5

In Soviet Russia there are only two Tv channels. Channel one is propaganda. Channel two is KGB agent telling you to go back to channel one.

Score: 6

In light of Trump’s increasing volume of golf: What’s the difference between Hitler and Trump? It only took Hitler one shot to get out of the bunker he ended up in after succumbing to Russia.

Score: 6

In Russia, People Don't Choose Russia's President People choose United States president

Score: 23

I thought Trump's ties were made in China... Why is everyone saying they're from Russia now?

Score: 23

Why was there no school in Soviet Russia? Because it was a classless society

Score: 4

You have to read this in Paul McCartney's voice When I find my tweets are causing trouble

Mother Russia comforts me

Tweeting words of wisdom


Score: 5

A Canadian visits Russia A Canadian visits Russia and goes to a restaurant that serves fries with gravy and cheese. He says, "I hate this poutine".

He was never seen again.

Score: 4

Tributes from around the globe are still pouring in after the death of Sir Roger Moore… The one from Vladimir Putin read: "From Russia, with love."

Score: 16

What happens to investigative journalists in Russia? They're Putin jail

Score: 14

Jokes in Russia aren't funny... Unless everyone gets them.

Score: 7

What do you say when there's no internet in Russia? Internyet.

Score: 12

What's Russia's favorite dish? Poutine.

Score: 4

In Russia they don't use a 'royal we'... Instead, they use a Bourgeois-we

Score: 4

What is Donald Trump's favorite movie? From Russia with Love.

Score: 6

In Russia nobody ever says "thank you" Because there, they speak russian.

Score: 8

What did Russia say after Trump bombed Syria? "This is Syria's business."

Score: 4

How do you get someone in Russia to wait? Stalin

Score: 7

I really like European food... I decided to Russia over to a European restaurant because I was Hungary. After Czech'ing the menu I ordered Turkey. When I was Finnished I told the waiter 'Spain good but there is Norway I could eat another bite'.

Score: 6

America Wants You! In Soviet Russia, you want America.

Score: 10

Polish history in five words: Stuck between Germany & Russia.

Score: 14

What happens when Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Ukraine and Latvia get back together? A Soviet reunion

Score: 11

What do you call it when you can't leave Russia cause it's precipitating under 32 degrees? Snowden

Score: 4

What did Russia say to Ukraine after they annexed their peninsula? Crimea river.

Score: 4

What do you call it when there is no internet in Russia? Internyet.

Score: 6

Trump really does make everything overseas He had his shirts made in Korea, his glasses made in China, and his Presidency made in Russia.

Score: 4

roses are red, violets are blue in soviet russia, poems write you.

Score: 5

What do you call a person who doesn't like Soviet Russia? A citizen of Soviet Russia

Score: 4

In Soviet Russia, a Judge bursts into his chambers laughing *"I've just heard the funniest joke about Stalin... ever!"*

*"Well, go ahead and tell us."*, the other Judges ask.

*"I can't. I just gave someone a life sentence for it."*

Score: 7

Tired of people complaining about Ukrainian body's of water that Russia is occupying Crimea river.

Score: 12

I haven't seen a team blow a win this bad... Since Hitler invaded Russia

Score: 19

NASA spent 1.5mil on a pen that works in space. Russia putin a pencil.

Score: 4

What is Russia's codename for Trump? Agent Orange.

Score: 5

Donald Trump wants to make Russia great again all along..... We should have known, he kept talking about seizing the means of reproduction after all

Score: 5

My Russian friends cringe everytime I tell a joke... Because in Russia line punch you.

Score: 7

Oldie - -Communist China telegrams Soviet Russia Communist China:

Soviet reply:

Communist China:

Score: 4

Russia: Why did the chicken cross the road? Ukraine: I don't know Russia why?
Russia: To rescue oppressed Russian minority

Score: 4

What is Russia's favorite imported product? Ukraine.

Score: 13

If your soviet girlfriend wants to take it slow Don't Russia

Score: 9

My roommate just told me he tried to walk to Russia from Alaska. He pulled up short because he couldn't get his Bering Strait.

Score: 11

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