Tractor Jokes


Funniest Tractor Jokes

How do you get a country girl's attention? A tractor

Score: 146
Funny Tractor Jokes
Score: 91

Do you want to know why I called your girlfriend a tractor? Because she's an upgrade to that hoe you had earlier.

Score: 70

How did the farmer find his missing wife? He tractor down. 🚜🚜🚜

Score: 69

Somebody drove past me on a tractor yelling "the end of the world is nigh!" I think it was Farmer Geddon

Score: 61

Did you hear about the magic tractor? It went down the road and turned into a field.

Score: 51

Got stuck behind a tractor on the way to work this morning. The bloke on top wouldn't stop screaming "We're all doomed! The end of the world is nigh! Repent!" Turned out it was Farmer Geddon

Score: 48

what is green and, if stuck between your teeth, will kill you? a tractor.

Score: 42

Whats green and can kill you if it gets between your teeth? A tractor

Score: 36

Every day, my neighbor gets on his tractor, and starts yelling, “The end is near!” I hate living next to Farmer Geddon.

Score: 33

How did the farmer find his wife? He tractor down.

Score: 29

A man on a tractor has just driven past me shouting, “The end of the world is nigh!!" I think it was Farmer Geddon.

Score: 27

A magic tractor was driving down a country road... When suddenly it turned into a field!

Score: 22

There was a farmer who had a machine which caculated the angle you sat. He called it his pro-tractor

Score: 22

Have you seen that new film about a tractor? Me neither, just saw the trailer.

Score: 22

How did the farmer find his missing daughter? Tractor

Score: 19

What does it mean when you have wheels and a country girl wants you? It means you *a tractor*

Score: 17

How did the farmer find his daughter? He Tractor.

Score: 15

A magic tractor drives down a road... and turns into a field.

Score: 14

Did you hear about the magic tractor? It went around a corner and turned into a field.

Score: 13

Did you hear about the new tractor movie? I heard it has a good trailer.

Score: 12

Person 1: "Have you seen that new movie about the tractor?" Person 2: "No, but the trailer looks good."

Score: 12

What's yellow and you will die if it falls on you from a tree? A tractor.

Score: 12

Smooth Farmer Whats a farmers best dating advice?

A tractor

Score: 11

What's the difference between a black person and a tractor? When a tractor doesn't work, no one makes excuses for it.

Score: 11

I saw a magic tractor this morning It was driving down the road, then it turned into a field.

Score: 10

Did you hear about the magic tractor? It was going down the road and turned into a field.

Score: 9

I just saw a man driving a tractor shouting "The end of the world is nigh" I think it was Farmer Geddon

Score: 9

How did the farmer plan to pick up the hot girl at the bar? A tractor

Score: 8

After I left my farm to join the army, I learned that my wife bought a new tractor to replace my labor. She wrote me a "John Deere" letter.

Score: 8

I'm a farmer and found my ex I tractor down.

Score: 7

I saw a magic tractor today I was following it down the road and it turned into a field.

Score: 4

Never try to impress a women with farming equipment. It won’t be enough to a tractor attention.

Score: 2

What did the farmer say after he lost his tractor? Where is my tractor?

(I am so sorry).

Score: 2

What did the farmer say after he lost his tractor? "Wheres my tractor?"

Score: 2

I just saw a magic tractor. It drove down the road then turned into a field.

Score: 2

I was just on my way home from work, when I got stuck behind a tractor... The driver was shouting out of the window at passers by, "The world is going to end! The world is going to end! The end is nigh!"

It was Farmer Geddon...

Score: 2

What does a farmer have to do before he gets married? A tractor first

Score: 1

Ever heard of a reptilian on a tractor? Illuminati cornfarmed

Score: 1

What do you call a person who can tractor like a pro? A protractor.

Bad pun right?

Score: 1

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New Tractor Jokes

A man on a tractor drove past me earlier yelling ‘the end of the world is nigh!’ I think it was Farmer Geddon

Score: 0

Have you heard about the magic tractor? It was going down a road and turned into a field.

Score: 1

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