Unemployment Jokes


Funniest Unemployment Jokes

The worst part about working for the department of unemployment Is when you get fired you still have to show up the next day.

Score: 11286

I got fired from the unemployment office on Friday. My boss said, “Clean our your desk, and I’ll see you in the office on Monday.”

Score: 2914
Funny Unemployment Jokes
Score: 200

So today is 4/20 4/20 is national weed day, 4/21 is national surprise drug test day and 4/22 is national unemployment day

Score: 182

What’s the worst about working for the department of unemployment? If you get fired you still have to show up the next day

Score: 173

"Your next spelling word is: beheaded." Can you use it in a sentence please?

"Sure, Kathy Griffin beheaded to the unemployment office."

Score: 146

I'd make a joke about unemployment But it doesn't work

Score: 144

Nearly 200 million Chinese kids are back to school after COVID-19 crisis Unemployment strikes again

Score: 139

What has 3 teeth and 100 legs An unemployment line in Tennessee.

Score: 125

I have some jokes about unemployment. But they need some work.

Score: 99

I was going to make a joke about unemployment But it didn't work.

Score: 96

I keep trying to come up with unemployment jokes. But none of them work

Score: 79

I'm trying to think of an unemployment joke. But none of them work.

Score: 69

i was going to tell a unemployment joke....... but its not going to work

Score: 69

"They say that if you do what you love, it's never a job." "How inspirational. Unfortunately your unemployment claim has been denied."

Score: 45

What has 10,000 feet and one tooth? An unemployment line in Arkansas.

Score: 44

Unemployment jokes aren't funny They just don't work

Score: 35

I was trying to think of unemployment jokes... But none of them work anyways.

Score: 25

I would tell you all about my jokes about unemployment **but none of them work**

Score: 23

I remembered an unemployment joke... ...but then I realized that none of them work.

Score: 18

I was up all night wondering... if you get fired at the Unemployment Office, do you just switch to the other side of the desk?

Score: 17

I have a lot of unemployment jokes But they don’t work.

Score: 16

What animal can be found in the unemployment line? The poorqueuepine.

Score: 15

I have a lot of unemployment jokes Unfortunately none of them work...

Score: 15

I have a joke about unemployment. But I think it won't work.

Score: 14

I have a joke about unemployment... But I'm afraid it might not work...

Score: 14

I wrote this joke about unemployment I really just don't think it's going to work.

Score: 13

Working at the unemployment agency would have to be a tense job Knowing that if you get fired, you still have to come in the next day.

Score: 12

I have a joke about unemployment: But it doesn't work

Score: 12

I have a joke about unemployment It doesn't work though

Score: 7

I have jokes about unemployment But none of them work..

Score: 4

Got a funny joke after getting fired I have a bunch of unemployment jokes but none of them work
:) :) Hahahahahaa

Score: 4

I have a friend who collects an unemployment check His name is socialism, he doesn't work.

Score: 3

Since it the unemployment rate in America is at all time low... It is making hard for find my third job.

Score: 3

It takes 10,000 hours to become an expert at something. I've done the maths. I'm amazing at unemployment.

Score: 3

Unemployment rates in bondage studios are low. Most candidates are unwilling to learn the ropes.

Score: 2

You can major in 5 things in college: science, engineering, business, nursing, or unemployment.

Score: 2

I wrote a really fun joke about unemployment. I just don't think it will work.

Score: 1

Unemployment offices are shutting down and laying of people. Trump is to blame

Score: 1

Why do women cope with unemployment better than men? They only lose 80 cents on the dollar

Score: 1

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Do you know which American industry has been hardest hit by the social distancing? Mass Shootings.

And do you know the only place that's hiring? The unemployment office.

Score: 0

4/20 is National Weed Day... 4/21 is National Drug Inspection Day

4/22 is National Unemployment Day

Score: 1

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