4 Year Old Jokes


Funniest 4 Year Old Jokes

Why was the anti-vaxxer‘s 4 year old child crying? Midlife crisis

Score: 33326
Funny 4 Year Old Jokes
Score: 15881

A joke my 4 year old came up with today... Him: "What's the only mammal that can breathe under water?"

Me: "I dunno, what?"

Him (loudly): "An elephant sticking his trunk up!"

Score: 2022

I saw a 4 year old girl crying, all alone "Are you ok?" I asked her. "Do you know where your mommy and daddy are?"

"No" she sobbed

I love doing volunteer work at the orphanage

Score: 1528

Guess who‘s no longer a 24 year old virgin... ...i turned 25 yesterday.

Score: 1160

A 14 year old Chinese boy walks into a bar He goes up to the the bar and signals the bartender
"I'll have a pint please"

The bartender looks him up and down and laughs
"You're way too young!"

"How you know my name!"

Score: 245

A 94 year old man decided to divorce his 93 old wife... They went to the lawyer together. When he asked why they were divorcing at such an old age, the woman replied, "We wanted to wait until the kids were dead".

Score: 167

What do you call a 70 year old man trapped in the emotional state of a 14 year old girl? Mr. President.

Score: 163

Typical day with a zero social filter 4 year old. kijk

Score: 154

My 4 year old is a comedian and loves jokes.. this is her favorite one... Why did the banana go to the hospital?

Because he wasn't peeling very well.

Score: 152

my 14 year old came back with this after his biology class Q. who was the Jewish prophet that led the water molecules across the partially permeable membrane?
A. osmoses

Score: 128

I overheard my 14 year old daughter telling this joke to a friend. -"Every time I say something, you say the word addicted"






-"What slapped you across the face last night? "

" Addicted"

Score: 114

Ok my 4 year old came up with this one, not sure he really understands how clever it is though... Why did the Dragon Cross the Road? He wanted to eat some chicken.

Score: 78

What do women astronauts and my 14 year old daughter have in common? "I have nothing to wear!"

Score: 75

What's the difference between a 4 year girl and a 40 year old woman? A 4 year old's favourite toy is a rubber body without any genitals. A 40 year old's favourite toy is a rubber genital without any body.

Score: 75

So my girlfriend wants to roleplay as a 14 year old... I told her "why bother? You'll be 14 in a few years anyway"

Score: 68

My 4 year old nephew's favourite joke. Knock knock!

who's there?


Europe who?

No, You're a poo!

Followed by devious laughter.

Score: 64

whats the difference between my driveway and 14 year old daughter? ... I pull out of my driveway

Score: 59

(All credit goes to my 4 year old niece) How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh? Tentickles!

Score: 46

How can you tell if a 14 year old smokes weed? Just wait. They'll tell you.

Score: 43

A 4 year old boy examined his testicles... while taking a bath. 'Mom', he asked, 'Are these my brains?'
'Not yet', she replied

Score: 38

Even at the age of 46, I have the body of a 24 year old. I'm not here to brag, does anyone need a 24 year old's body while it's still warm?

Score: 28

Overheard from a 14 year old: Why does Donald Trump watch the Olympics? To see how high Mexicans can pole vault

Score: 27

What does a 74 year old woman taste like? Depends.

Score: 25

My 14 year old is finally taking an interest in me. Last night he asked me my date of birth. Then he asked me what street I grew up on.

This morning he even asked where I met his mom and what was the name of my first pet! ❤❤❤❤❤

Score: 25

Why was the anti-vaxxer's 4 year old child crying? Midlife crisis.

Score: 24

What does a 4 year old gender fluid child and a vegan cat have in common? We both know who's making the decision...

Score: 23

Why was the 4 year old anti-vaxer crying? He had a midlife crisis.

Score: 23

What's the difference between a 4 year old and a bag of cocaine? Eric Clapton would never let a bag of cocaine fall out of a window.

Too soon?

Score: 21

What's the difference between a pound of cocaine and a 4 year old child? Eric Clapton wouldn't let a pound of cocaine fall out the window.

Score: 21

I have been messaging some 14 year old cutie. Last night she told me she was an undercover cop. How cool is that for such a young age!

Score: 18

So a 14 year old girl goes to the doctor for a checkup... He puts the stethoscope up to her heart and says,

"Big breaths."

And she says,

"Thankth! I grew them mythelf!"

Score: 17

14 year old girls these days be like "I drink because I wanna forget." What are you trying to forget? The multiplication table?

Score: 14

Why did the vampire have to get glasses? Because he was blind as a bat!

(My 4 year old sister came up with this one yesterday)

Score: 11

Why was the sand wet? Because the sea-weed.

*First joke my 4 year old son learnt

Score: 11

What's the difference between a 4 year old boy and a bag of cocaine? Eric Clapton wouldn't let a bag of cocaine fall out of a window.

Score: 11

From my 4 year old: What do you call a penguin that can't win? A peng-lose!

Score: 9

What's the difference between a 4 year old and a bag of coke? Eric Clapton would've never let a bag of coke fall out the window

Score: 8

What is the difference between a 14 year old boy in the U.S. and one in Mexico? A 14 year old boy in the U.S. is a freshman and one in Mexico is a señor

Score: 6

Courtesy of 4 year old daughter: What do you call a T-Rex the day after he lifts weights? A Dino Sore.

Score: 5

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New 4 Year Old Jokes

Inspired by 4 year old daughter: What do you call a T-Rex after resistance training? Dino Sore.

Score: 2

What does the 14 year old white cow say? Mooood.

Score: 0

Why was the 4 year old child with cancer crying? Mid-life crisis

Score: 2

Why did the unvaccinated 4 year old burst into tears? Midlife crisis.

Score: 2

Courtesy of my 4 year old brother ​




Q: What do you call a sponge that floats


A: Sponge-Bob

Score: 2

A 14 year old Irish boy asked his grandfather for $10 Grandfather: “What do you need it for?”

Boy: “I want to get a guinea pig”

Grandfather: “Here’s 20$, go get yourself a nice Irish girl”

Score: 1

A deep thinker walks into a bar The bartender says "we don't serve 14 year olds"

Score: 1

What did R Kelly say when the 14 year old girl asked him to rate her 1-10? Urinate

Score: 4

Why was anti-vaxxer's 4 year old child crying? Mid-life crisis

Score: 3

My 4 year old daughter looks out the window She says "what is wrong with the tree"?
I look outside and say "nothing, it's pine".

Score: 1

What do a 14 year old redneck and her unborn baby have in common? The Father

Score: 4

So I was Talking to my Co-worker when.. She said "Do you have any kids"

"Well i had a 4 year old son" I replied

"What happened Did he die?' she replied

"No he's 5 years old now!!" I said

Score: 1

I met this 14 year old online, and she told me she is an undercover cop... How COOL is that for someone her age?

Score: 4

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