Chameleon Jokes


Funniest Chameleon Jokes

What's it called when a chameleon can't change its colors anymore? A reptile dysfunction.

Score: 16887
Funny Chameleon Jokes
Score: 580

Hey did you hear about the chameleon that couldn't change color? It had a reptile dysfunction

Score: 326

What's it called when a chameleon can't change its colors? A reptile dysfunction

Score: 274

Green chameleon for sale... No, a red one.

No, blue.

No wait, a pink one.


Never mind, I'm keeping it!

Score: 199

Did you hear about the old chameleon that couldn't change color? He had *a reptile dysfunction*.

Score: 163

What do you call a Chameleon that cant change colors? A reptile dysfunction...

Score: 101

Waiter: "What'll you have?" Me: "I'll have the chameleon."

Waiter: "That's not on the menu."

Me: "How can you be sure?"

Score: 81

What is it called when a chameleon can't change its color? A reptile dysfunction.

Score: 74

What do you call a chameleon that can't change color? A reptile dysfunction.

Score: 71

Took my chameleon to the vet cause he stopped changing colors. Doctor says he has a reptile disfunction.

Score: 71

Did you hear about the chameleon that couldn't change colour? It had a reptile dysfunction.

Score: 65

What do you call it when a chameleon won’t change colors? A reptile dysfunction.

Score: 63

What do you call it when a chameleon can't change colors? reptile disfunction

Score: 52

What do call it when a chameleon is unable to change color? Reptile dysfunction

Score: 50

Did you hear about the chameleon who couldn’t change colour? He had a reptile dysfunction.

Score: 46

Did you hear about the old chameleon who can’t change color anymore? He has reptile disfunction

Score: 44

What do you call it when a chameleon can't change colors? A reptile dysfunction

Score: 39

My chameleon couldn’t change colors, so I took him to the vet… Poor guy was diagnosed with ereptile dysfunction.

Score: 38

What do you call it when a chameleon won't change colors? A reptile dysfunction

Score: 32

Did you hear about the chameleon who couldn't change color? They had a reptile dysfunction.

Score: 30

what do you call a chameleon who cant change his colours anymore? Areptile dysfunction

Score: 30

What is the funniest two legged lizard? The stand-up chameleon.

Score: 26

Why do you never drive on a highway next to a chameleon? He might turn into you.

Score: 19

What do you call a Chameleon that can't change colors? Reptile dysfunction.

Score: 18

Did you hear about the chameleon that couldn't change color? He had a reptile dysfunction.

Score: 16

What's wrong with a chameleon that can't change colors? He has a reptile dysfunction.

Score: 12

I walked into a pet shop and said, "Excuse me, do you have any blenders?" The man said "yes" and handed me a chameleon.

Score: 12

Did you hear about the chameleon who couldn’t change color? He had a reptile dysfunction.

Score: 11

Did you hear about the chameleon who couldn't change color? he had a reptile dysfunction...

Score: 10

You hear about the chameleon that couldn't change color? He had a reptile dysfunction.

Score: 9

Boy George has been attacked by his pet lizard He's going to get a calmer chameleon.

Score: 8

Why couldn't the chameleon change colour? Because he had a reptile dysfunction.

Score: 6

,,,,, chameleon

Score: 4

What do you call a chameleon incapable of changing color? A reptile dysfunction

Score: 4

What did the colour-changing lizard say to his significant other? You're one in chameleon

Score: 4

What do you call a chameleon that's unable to change colour? Chameleoff.

Score: 3

What it's called when a Chameleon can't change it's color anymore? A reptile dysfunction.

Score: 3

A chameleon came into a new environment. He thought to himself, 'Colour me intrigued'.

Score: 3

What do you call chameleon that can't change its colours? A chameleoff

Score: 3

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I just purchased a reptile just so I could get free upvotes! It was a karma karma karma karma karma chameleon

Score: 1

I just had to take my chameleon to the vet as he can't change color anymore He's been diagnosed with A'reptile dysfunction

Score: 1

What is it called when a chameleon can't change it's colour? Rigor mortis

Score: 2

What does a karma chameleon do at the end of a one night stand? They come and go

Score: 1

Bought a chameleon Lost it

Score: 1

What do you call a reposting, colour-changing reptile? Karma, karma, karma, karma, karma chameleon.

Score: 2

I bought a chameleon... and promptly lost it.

Score: 2

"What do you call a sleeping chameleon?" "A Chameleoff"

Score: 1

Why couldn't the chameleon change its colour? It had a reptile dysfunction

Score: 2

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