Electron Jokes


Funniest Electron Jokes

What's the difference between a seal and a sea lion? One electron.

Score: 14960

What's the difference between a seal and sea lion? One electron

Score: 732
Funny Electron Jokes
Score: 430

How do you turn a seal into a sea lion? Remove an electron.

Score: 383

What is the difference between a seal and a sea lion? an electron

Score: 334

I'm positive I lost an electron... ...better keep an ion that.

Score: 307

Why did the dad proton want his daughter proton to marry an electron? So the wedding would be free of charge

Score: 182

I think I saw my friend with an extra electron... ...so I'm going to keep an ion him.

Score: 135

What's the difference between a seal and a sea lion? An electron.

I'll see myself out now

Score: 108

A proton, electron and a neuton get into a bar fight. The bartender calls cops and they show up to arrest everyone. The cops cuff the proton and electron but they let the neutron go because nobody could press charges.

Score: 105

Two atoms walk into a bar. The first one turns to the other and says "I think I've lost an electron!"

The second one goes "Are you sure?"

To which the first one replies "I'm positive."

Score: 96

Two ions are walking down the street... the first one says I'm missing an electron. The second one asks "Are you sure?" The first one says "I'm positive"

Score: 81

Which element is most likely to surrender an electron? Francium.

Score: 77

An atom loses an electron... It says, "man, I really gotta keep an ion them."

Score: 65

How do you make a Sea Lion? You remove an electron from a Seal!

Score: 60

An electron is speeding down the highway when a police officer pulls him over. The officer walks up to the car and asks, "do you know how fast you were going."

The electron replies, "Yeah, but now I'm lost."

Score: 50

What did the atom say when it lost an electron? I better keep an ion that.

Score: 45

An electron is driving down the highway... ...and a policeman pulls him over. The policeman says, “Sir, do you realize that you were traveling at 670,616,629 MPH?”

The electron replies, “Oh great, now I’m lost.”

Score: 44

An electron is driving down a motorway.. An electron is driving down a motorway, and a policeman pulls him
over. The policeman says: “Sir, do you realize you were traveling at
130km per hour?” The electron goes: “Oh great, now I’m lost.”

Score: 42

Two atoms were hanging out... ...and one says to the other, "Oh no! I think I've lost an electron!"

The other says, "Are you sure?"

The first says, "Yes, I'm positive!"

Score: 37

Two atoms are in a bar. One says, "I think I lost an electron." The other says, "Are you sure?" to which the other replies, "I'm positive."

Score: 37

Lost an electron? Better keep an ion it.

Score: 32

Looks like I just lost an electron... I need to keep a better ion them

Score: 26

What did the atom say after losing an electron? I really gotta keep an ion them.

Score: 26

Molecule 1: I just lost an electron. Molecule 2: Are you sure?
Molecule 1: I’m positive.

Score: 22

Two atoms are in a bar. One says, 'I think I've lost an electron.' The other asks, 'Are you sure?' To which the first replies, 'I'm positive.

Score: 22

Two atoms were hanging out... One atom says to the other "I am about to lose an electron!"

The other atom asks "Are you sure?"

The first repies "I am positive."

Score: 21

How did the electron board the train? It lepton

Score: 19

Two atoms were crossing the road... ...when the first atom screams "Ahhhhh! I lost an electron".
The second atom asks "Are you sure?"
to which the first atom replied "Yes, I'm positive."

Score: 17

A helium atom and a hydrogen atom were talking. A helium atom and a hydrogen atom were talking.
Hydrogen says to helium, 'Hey, I think I've lost my electron.'
Helium replies 'Oh, are you sure?'

Hydrogen responds 'I'm positive'.

Score: 17

Electron walks into a bar, bartender says what'll you have? Electron says, "I'm not positive, how about something that excites me.?

Score: 12

A proton walks up to an electron The proton says, "Why so negative?"

The electron says, "My wife is cheating on me."

Score: 12

I tried to give iodine a full electron shell... ...but iodide.

Score: 12

A positive ion stole an electron yesterday. He got away with no charge.

Score: 11

How do you call an insanely rich proton that spent all of his money to become an electron? Ex centric

Score: 6

One atom bumped into another atom, And said, "hey I just lost an electron!"

"Are you sure?" Asks the other atom.

"Yes, I'm positive!"

Score: 4

A proton, an electron and a neutrino walk into a black hole That's it

Score: 4

I saw an atom lose its electron He really should keep an ion it

Score: 4

What do you get when you give a seal an extra electron? A sealion

Score: 4

Why did the scientist abandon making his electron radio? There was too much static.

Score: 3

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New Electron Jokes

What did a Proton said to an Electron? Dude, don't be negative

Score: 2

I saw an atom lose its electron He really should keep an ion them

Score: 0

Why the electron committed a crime? Because he was induced.

Score: 1

A proton and several electrons walk into the bar. The proton asks, "What did you do last weekend?"

The electron answered, "I ain't did no more of no nothing, not."

Score: 2

I think i've lost an Electron In fact, i'm positive.

Score: 3

A hydrogen atom lost its electron and went to police station to file missing electron report. He was questioned by Police: "Haven't you just misplaced it somewhere? Are you sure that your electron is really lost?"
"I'm Positive." replied the atom.

Score: 2

The electron asked the photon "Did you pack your bags?" The photon said, "No, I'm traveling light".

Score: 2

To me, you're just like an electron's mass Irrelevant

Score: 2

An electron and a proton are walking down the street... When the proton falls over.
The electron says "Are you ok?"
The proton says "yeah"
The electron says "are you sure?"
And the proton says "yeah, I'm positive!"

Score: 2

An electron tried getting into a Nucleus "Sorry, wrong sub".

Score: 1

Why didn't the electron leave it's house? Because it was grounded.

Score: 2

A hipster atom says "I think I lost an electron!" Another atom asks "Are you sure?" to which the hipster atom replies "NO I was just being ionic."

Score: 1

You'd think that when two atoms in a salt bond, they're being kind by sharing electrons, but actually, one atom is stealing the electron from the other. Isn't it ionic?

Score: 2

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