Exam Jokes


Funniest Exam Jokes

During my prostate exam I asked the doctor, "where should I put my pants"? "Over there by mine", was not the answer I was expecting.

Score: 2242

I failed my math exam because I couldn’t remember how to write 1, 1000, 51, 6, and 500 as Roman numerals IM LIVID

Score: 2101

After my prostate exam, the doctor left. The nurse came in later, with a worried look on her face, and said the three words I was dreading to hear. Who was that?

Score: 2075

If i got 50 cents for every failed math exam, I'd have $ 6.30 now

Score: 1939

If I got 50 cents every time I failed a maths exam... I’d have about $6.30 by now.

Score: 1816

Why did the mermaid rush out of her maths exam, red faced and embarrassed? Because her algaebra didn't hold up.

Score: 1715

I failed my final exam on Greek mythology. It's always been my Achilles elbow

Score: 1407
Funny Exam Jokes
Score: 1220

I asked my doctor where to put my pants during my prostate exam. "Over there next to mine" was not the answer I expected.

Score: 1009

Lying in bed, my girlfriend turned to me and said "You're a lot like a math exam."

I replied "Why? Because I'm long and hard?"

She said, "No, I'm cheating on you with an Asian."

Score: 770

I failed my chemistry lab exam. I was in the middle of performing a chemical reaction but I got sued by the Fine Bros.

Score: 682

After my prostate exam, the doctor left. The nurse came in later, with a worried look on her face, and said the three words I was dreading to hear. “Who was that?”

Score: 603

I ate the exam paper Which means that sooner or later I will pass the test

Score: 591

Prostate Exam After my recent Prostate Exam - one of the most thorough examinations I've ever had –
the Doctor left the room and the nurse came in.
After she shut the door, she asked me a question I didn't want to hear....

She said...."Who was that guy?"

Score: 501

Before the prostate exam, I asked the doctor where should I put my pants. "Here, next to mine" wasn't the answer i was expecting.

Score: 471

It's so awkward getting a boner during a prostate exam. Especially when they realize you're not a doctor.

Score: 466

I got caught cheating on my physics exam. Furious, my professor said to me "I hope you understand the gravity of the situation". But if I had known that, I wouldn't be in this situation in the first place.

Score: 293

A gangster asks his son how his exam went "They questioned me for 3 hours but I told them nothing, dad."

Score: 282

I took a kleptomania exam. It wasn't mine, but I took it anyway.

Score: 227

I took my biology exam last Friday. I was asked to name two things commonly found in cells. Apparently Blacks and Mexicans was NOT the correct answer.

Score: 218

I failed my calculus exam because I was seated between two identical twins. I couldn’t differentiate between them.

Score: 218

I missed a question on my biology exam today. The question was "what are commonly found in cells?" I guess "black people" wasn't the right answer.

Score: 180

I was so embarrassed when I got an erection during a prostate exam. Especially when they found out I'm not even a doctor.

Score: 178

I went to get a prostate exam and the doctor told me I need to stop masterbating... I asked why?

He said, "because I'm trying to examine you."

Score: 163

For our chemistry exam we had to write a thousand words on acid. Unfortunately my pen turned into a gorilla and the floor melted.

Score: 160

I was having a prostate exam... Me:*squirms
Doctor: Don't worry, it's perfectly fine to have an erection at a time like this.

So I tried to ignore the bulge in his pants.

Score: 153

If I had 50¢ for every math exam I failed I’d have $6.30 now.

Score: 146

A police recruit was asked during the exam, "What would you do if you had to arrest your own mother?" He answered, "Call for backup."

Score: 143

I did an exam on marijuana and ballistic weaponry. Scored high on the first part, but bombed the second.

Score: 138

The professor gave me a C on my Latin exam... Aced it!

Score: 132

I went to the doctor today for a prostate exam. It wasn't as bad as I was expecting, until I realized both his hands were on my shoulders.

Score: 87

An over the shoulder stare followed by a seductive wink is one of the sexiest things in the world. Not during a rectal exam though!

Score: 69

During my prostate exam, the doctor told me it was completely normal to get an erection. When I pointed out I didn't have one he said he wasn't talking about me.

Score: 66

My doctor says it's common to get an erection during a prostate exam I never do, but he does.

Score: 41

I got a prostate exam yesterday and that went pretty smoothly. The doctor had both hands on my shoulders though, so I was a bit confused.

Score: 36

How do you know that the prostate exam is going horribly wrong? When the doctor places both hands on your shoulders.

Score: 34

My Canadian friend did really well on an exam He got an Eh

Score: 28

What do you never want to hear during a prostate exam? “Look, no hands.”

Score: 24

I always assumed you took off your pants during a prostate exam But apparently that's "not appropriate for a medical professional".

Score: 23

If I got 1$ for every failed math exam... I’d have $ 10.30 now.

Score: 18

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New Exam Jokes

I have this habit of disappointing my parents I have this habit of always disappointing my parents, last week I told them I was doing the bar exam, I was actually doing a pub quiz but it’s the same difference.

Score: 2

Doctor Doctor, I keep thinking I'm a robot that has to take an exam to become human. Doctor: Don't worry, it'll pass.

Score: 2

I texted my college girlfriend to tell her how guilty I felt about cheating. She replied saying she was so relieved because she had been cheating on me with a guy in her dorm. I was talking about my math exam.

Score: 2

How did osama bin laden do on his history exam? He bombed it.

Score: 2

My dad was getting a prostate exam. He asked the doctor, "Where should I put my pants during the exam?" "Just toss them in the corner" replied the doctor, "Right next to mine."

Score: 6

I took an exam to get certified as a magician. There was a lot of tricky questions.

Score: 2

A bunch of law school students walk into a bar exam.

“Law school has prepared you for this” said the proctor.

Score: 2

Teacher scolded two students for cheating in exam Students were surprised and asked the teacher "how do you know? ".

Teacher said "one of you answered 'I don't know' to an answer and other answered 'Neither do I'.

Score: 2

I failed my electronics exam today. Apparently, a transistor is not a black woman dressed as a man

Score: 3

Someone once said to me 'You know, Pluto is more interesting to me than Uranus ' I said 'Thanks. Can you please finish the prostate exam?'

Score: 2

I’m making a pass/fail exam for churches who claim to throw good parties It’s a lit-mass test.

Score: 3

why did hitler fail his math exam he couldn't finish the final solution

Score: 6

I did really well in my prostate exam. The doctor gave me two thumbs up.

Score: 7

I did pretty well in my insect catching exam... I got a bee.

Score: 8

I just failed driving exam The instructor said I failed at signals. I don't get it. I keep giving middle finger to the drivers honking at me.

Score: 3

I failed a Calculus exam today. I think I've finally found my limits.

Score: 5

If I had 50 cents for every mental health exam I've failed... I'd have cats.

Score: 5

How do you know when a prostate exam's gone horribly wrong? When you feel both of the doctor's hands on your shoulders.

Score: 10

So I decided to head to the library and hit the books for an upcoming exam I have. But people started giving me weird looks while I was there. I just ignored them though. These books will pay for what they did.

Score: 3

A guy behind me just pulled out a gun. This must be the weirdest prostate exam he's ever done.

Score: 4

why do magicians pass every exam ? because of trick questions!

Score: 3

Why do doctors use two fingers for a rectal exam? For a second opinion.

Score: 5

I was afraid I might fail my fireworks exam But I passed with flying colors

Score: 7

During the prostate exam I asked the doctor, "where should I put my pants?" "Over there by mine", was not the answer I was expecting.

This is a repost from two years ago, all credits to u/-stillborn-

Score: 11

A student busts into a lecture hall right as the professor is finishing his lecture The student says professor sorry I'm late, do you mind summarising the lecture for me in 2 minutes.

The professor says, No need son, it will all be on the exam

Score: 10

The worst thing about a prostate exam is... ...when he finds out you're not a real doctor.

Score: 17

When released from prison after 30 years I went for a prostate exam The doctor said he could just eyeball it.

Score: 14

Prostate exam I wwnt in for my prostate exam, and took off my pants. I asked the doctor, "Where do you want me to set these?" "Over there, next to mine," is not the answer I was expecting.

Score: 6

Teacher : Why did you only fill in all the odd questions in the exam? Blonde : Because i can't even

Score: 13

After my prostate exam the nurse came in She said quietly, "Who was that?"

Score: 3

I have an exam about gemstones. I don't think I'm going topaz.

Score: 5

What's the first question on the West Virginia Bar Exam? If a husband and wife get divorced, do they still remain brother and sister?

A) Yes
B) No
C) They become cousins
D) None of the Above

Score: 3

1600 out of 2000 high school seniors flunked their math exam in my city. That's almost half!

Score: 4

I remember going to see Dr. Hook in the 70s. Worst prostate exam ever

Score: 4

I took a prostate exam at home, I think I failed... I lost my pen

Score: 15

I passed my physical exam! But I only got a C in Hepatitis.

Score: 16

I got the veterinarian at the zoo fired after he told me about performing a rectal exam. I promptly called the zoo administrators and reported the HIPPO violation.

Score: 3

My carpentry exam went really well. I totally nailed it.

Score: 2

With great power... Comes great Current squared Resistance.

Yeah, I need these mnemonics to pass tomorrow's electronics exam.

Score: 4

What's the best way to sneak cheat notes into an exam without getting caught? Memorise them.

Score: 6

we're about to take an exam.. Right before the test the teacher gives the class some smarties candy and says "some smarties for the smarties." then, after the test, the teacher gave us a lolipop

Score: 3

As a doctor I now know what it's like to be a patient I just don't understand how my doctor can do my prostate exam with both hands over my shoulders

Score: 2

What's good about airport security? Free prostate exam from an unlicensed physician......

Score: 3

I waited until the last minute to study for my drivers exam and ended up taking a crash course.

Score: 6

Can you believe that the final answer on my statistics exam was: 50/50 What are the odds?

Score: 5

My son asked me a question today "Dad, why am I half human, half final exam?"

Score: 2

On what type of exam is it better to get a D than an A? A breast exam

Score: 3

How can you tell if a multiple choice exam is racist? All of the answers are not C's

Score: 2

*A man is trying to prove his innocence in court* Defendant: "Please your honour, I don't have a single bad bone in my body"

Prosecutor: "Well according to your medical exam it appears you have osteoporosis"

Judge: "Guilty"

Score: 5

My doctor used two fingers during my prostate exam... He said he needed a second opinion.

Score: 4

so a law school student walks into a bar- -exam and walks out a lawyer! good job I'm so proud of him.

Score: 2

If I had a dollar for every maths exam I failed I'd have about $6.50 right now

Score: 11

Isn't asking a doctor for a second opinion normal? I can't understand why my doctor got upset after my prostate exam when I asked him to try again with a second finger.

Score: 8

If I had 50 cents for every math exam I've failed I'd have $9.30

Score: 9

What is the worst thing you want to hear from a doctor giving you a prostate exam? "Look ma, no hands!"

Score: 6

Met a prostitute that will do anything for 100 $ Guess who's writing my take home exam ^^

Score: 4

After my prostrate exam, the nurse asked me an interesting question. She asked "Who was the guy in the lab coat?"

Score: 6

Always Pay Attention! After my Prostate Exam, the Doctor left.
Then the Nurse came in.
As she shut the door, she whispered the three words that no man wants to hear:
"Who was that?”

Score: 5

You know you're getting old when you go to a new doctor... ...and part of the new patient exam is carbon dating.

Score: 3

My dad's prostate exam joke I got a little worried when I noticed hands on both my shoulders.

Score: 5

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