Why does a 6 oz hamburger have less energy than a 6 oz steak? Because the hamburger is in the ground state.
A hamburger walks into a bar
The hamburger sits down at the bar and asks the bartender “hey can I get a beer?”
The bartender replies “sorry we don’t serve food here.”
How did the hamburger introduce his daughter? Meet Patty.
Americans may be ignorant of other cultures... But at least we invented the hamburger
A hamburger walks into a bar Bartender says "hey! We don't serve food here!"
A hamburger walks into a bar and orders a salad The bartender says "Sorry, we don't serve food here".
A man walks into a library...
A man walks into a library and says to the librarian, "Hello, I'd like a hamburger please."
The librarian says, "Sir, this is a library."
The man apologizes, then whispers ^"I'd ^like ^a ^hamburger ^please."
How did the hamburger introduce his girlfriend? Meat patty.
A hamburger walks into a bar... ...and the bartender says "I'm sorry, we don't serve food here".
On a whim, I bought a snake yesterday at the local pet store...
Last night, I attempted to feed it a freshly grilled hamburger.
Just the patty, no bread.
The thing is, he wouldn't eat it.
As it turns out,
my anaconda don't want none unless you've got buns, Hun.
How did the hamburger introduce his girlfriend to his parents? Meat patty
A hamburger walks into a bar The bartender says we don't serve food here!
What’s the difference between new and old hamburger meat? One is ground beef and the other is browned grief.
A guy walks into a library...
and says to the librarian, "I'll take a hamburger and fries."
The librarian looks at him and says, "This is a library, you idiot."
The man says, "Oh sorry!" and whispers, "I'll take a hamburger and fries."
A hamburger walks into a bar The bartender says "get out,we dont serve food in here"
A hamburger and some fries walk into a bar The bartender looks up and says, "we don't serve food here."
Why does hamburger have lower energy than steak?
Because it's in the ground state.
My kids were very excited to learn how to make a hamburger. They seemed to lose interest after I cut the cow's throat.
A hamburger and french fries walk into a bar... The bartender looks at them and says, "Sorry, we don't serve food here."
How did the hamburger introduce his girlfriend? Meat Pattie
A hamburger and an order of french fries goes into a bar...... the bartender says: "Sorry, we don't serve food here."
How can you tell if a hamburger was grilled in space? It's a little meteor.
How many vegans does it take to eat a hamburger? It depends if anyone is looking.
Where did the hamburger go to dance? The Meatball
Why did the Hamburger and the Steak fight? They had some beef
How many vegans does it take to eat a hamburger? Depends if anyone is looking.
We all were laughing It was all laugh and giggles until we realised that the stutterer wanted a hamburger.
How do you call it when you help someone make a hamburger? A co-whopperation.
A hamburger walks into a bar The bartender stares him down, and says *"We don't serve food here!"*
How do you make a hamburger laugh? Pickle it gently.
Give a man a hamburger . . . you will feed him for a day. Lend a man a hamburger and he will gladly pay you Tuesday.
Why did hamburger go to the gym? To get better buns.
A Hamburger in the Sovjet union Two bread coupons with a meat coupon in the middle.
How did the hamburger introduce his girlfriend? Meet Patty.
How do you build a hamburger house? From the ground up.
My 7 y/o pal told me this.
What does the hamburger say when you ask it a question?
Because hamburgers are round, like a zero.
Why did the comet want a hamburger and not salad? Because it was meteor
For you science nerds, Have you heard of Cole's Law? It goes good with a hamburger.
Why is it always so hot at Grateful Dead shows?
Because their fans don't work.
(Credit to Neil Hamburger)
I went to 5-Guys for a hamburger and there were only 4 guys behind the counter. I asked for a 20% discount.
What does a hamburger say when it wants to organise a get together? Lettuce meat
So this is how my day went... I woke up went to the store and bought a wooden turtle, then someone threw a hamburger at me, now I'm at home feeding my dog. So in conclusion I bought knick knack, got a patty wack, and gave my dog a bone.