Islamic Jokes


Funniest Islamic Jokes

I've never really understood it why would you become an Islamic suicide bomber on the off-chance you might get 72 virgins when you die. Become a Catholic priest and get them now.

Score: 4459
Funny Islamic Jokes
Score: 102

Why is it so easy to find a prostitute in Islamic countries? They're always just a stone's throw away.

Score: 87

What state has the worst drivers? The Islamic State.

Score: 40

What’s the difference between an Islamic wedding and an ISIS training ground? I don’t know, I just fly the drone.

Score: 33

What do Islamic McDonalds employees wear? A cheeseburka

Score: 30

Don't become an Islamic suicide bomber for the off chance you'll get 72 virgins after death. Become a Catholic priest and get them now!

Score: 28

Islamic terrorists makes no sense . Commit suicide and might get 72 virgins ? Become a Catholic priest and get them now

Score: 28

What do you call a beach where you go to shoot gorillas and break Islamic law? Haram Bay

Score: 22

I don't get why you would become an Islamic fundamentalist and suicide bomber, just so you might have a chance to get 72 virgins when you die Just become a Catholic priest and have them now!

Score: 22

Did you hear the one about the Islamic terrorist? Oh well, guess Jihad to be there

Score: 20

I used to think that Islamic countries were tight on their drug laws... ...but that can't be right. They still let women get stoned, don't they?

Score: 14

Why is six afraid of seven? Because seven is an Islamic refugee

Score: 11

What do you call a group of Islamic people living in poor housing? Muslums

Score: 11

What do you call an Islamic pepper? A Halal-peño.

Score: 10

I stumbled upon an Islamic Fortnite Youtuber... His name was Allah-A

Score: 9

A News Anchor is in an Islamic country interviewing the civilians. The news anchor asks a woman:"Are you being oppressed?"
The woman stutters:"I...I have to ask my husband."

Source/Inspiration: Dutch comedian Hans Teeuwen

Score: 8

The Islamic State is hosting a music festival in Iraq. The first annual Allahpalooza is sure to go off with a bang.

Score: 8

The Islamic temple I went to had a weird smell... it was a strange mosque

Score: 8

Which state has the highest suicide rate ? The Islamic State.

Score: 7

Islamic men get 72 virgins when they die. What do Islamic women get? 73 sets of clothes to wash.

Score: 7

What do you do if your Islamic dog bites you? Muslim

Score: 7

What do you call a radically Islamic cowboy? A yeehawdist

Score: 7

why you would become an Islamic fundamentalist suicide bomber on the off chance that when you die you get 72 virgins. Just become a Catholic priest and get them now.

Score: 7

What is the most volatile state? Solid, liquid or gaseous? Islamic State.

Score: 6

Islamic state claimed responsibility for american presidential elections.

Score: 6

I started a fried chicken joint. In order to be halal, the chickens must be killed in the traditional Islamic manner: It's pretty hard getting the little explosive-filled vests on them, though.

Score: 6

The British Islamic Association has said there is no longer room for extremists within their mosques... Although a waiting list has been set up.

Score: 6

What’s the Islamic equivalent of cafeteria Christianity? Allah-cart.

Score: 6

I don't understand why Islamic fundamentalist suicide bombers go through with it on the off chance of getting 72 virgins when you die... Become a catholic priest and have them now!

Score: 5

What do you do if an Islamic dog bites you? Musl-im

Edit: format

Score: 5

Breaking News: Public schools are forcing Islamic teachings on America's children. Yeah, it turns out algebra was invented by some 9th century Muslim.

Score: 4

What do you call a skinny, Islamic cow? A moo-slim.

Score: 4

If Pakistan is an Islamic country..... Then why is its capital called Islama**bad**?

Score: 4

Did you know marvel was going to add Islamic superhero’s But DC already made suicide squad

Possible repost can’t remember where I heard it

Score: 3

I figured out why so many Islamic Terrorists hate Americans. It's because we all have our dicks out for haram babes

Score: 3

What's an Alcoholic Islamic extremists worst nightmare? A-Locked-Bar

Score: 3

What do you call an Islamic militant Shakespeare? The Allahu Ak-Bard.

Score: 3

Have you heard of 'Dear White People'? I think that Netflix should make a 'Dear Islamic Extremists' show. That show would blow up.

Score: 2

Theres a new Islamic terrorist organization in Nigeria and they have also been caught poaching gorillas They call themselves "Boko Harambe"

Score: 2

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New Islamic Jokes

There's a growing theory that the fires in Australia are actually terror attacks that are being caused by an Islamic Koalas terror organization Which is called 'Koala hu Akbar'

Score: 0

Did you hear about the Islamic surfer? He was totally radical dude

Score: 1

What’s the difference between a terrorist outpost and an islamic elementary school? I don’t know. I just fly the drone.

Score: 1

Going back to school to get my degree in Islamic studies It's a field that's really blowing up.

Score: 1

Did you hear about the local islamic state rock band? They tried going global

but they blew up.

Score: 2

The Moro Islamic Liberation Front wants attention and gives an interview to a particular news organization that is ranked #1. The BBC always bring in satisfaction. 24/7.

Score: 2

Why was the Islamic Beaver upset? He had to ram-a-dam.

Score: 2

What does a good Islamic rapper have? Allahu ak-BARS.

Score: 2

What is the difference between Islamic militant camp and a school? I don't know, I just sign the executive orders.

Score: 2

Why don't Islamic women make good gardeners? They're always up to their necks in dirt.

Score: 1

How do drug dealers get punished by Islamic-Extremist Terrorist in the Middle East? They get stoned.

Score: 2

How did the Americans know the latest suicide bombing was perpetrated by a Canadian Islamic extremist? Because, at the center of the detonation site, they found a moose-limb.

Score: 2

If an Islamic man is murdered, what do you call it? A Muhommid-cide.

Score: 1

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