Interviewer - Okay, describe yourself in 3 words Lazy
My friend asked me to describe myself in 3 words... Lazy
Depression/suicide jokes are basically yo mama jokes of our generation — they're lazy, unfunny and useless Just like me
Lazy people fact #4564321564 You were too lazy to read that number.
I dated a girl with a lazy eye once. Turns out she was seeing someone else the whole time.
My teacher asked me to describe myself in 5 words... Lazy
A toast
Wife at the dinner table: Please toast some bread for me.
The lazy husband raised his wine glass and said, "To bread."
Describe yourself in 3 words: 1. Lazy
I just broke up with my girlfriend who had a lazy eye. Turns out she was seeing someone on the side.
So I was dating this girl with a lazy eye... It would have worked out, but then I realized she was seeing someone on the side.
My brother asked me to describe myself in 3 words... Lazy
I used to date a girl with a lazy eye... but I dumped her because she kept seeing people on the side.
If laziness was an Olympic sport...
I would be fourth so I wouldn't have to step up on the podium.
Edit: too lazy for dictionaries, thanks /u/ReddSpy
Somebody said today that I'm lazy. I nearly answered him.
I once dated a girl with a lazy eye, It was going well for a few months until I realized she was seeing someone else.
I used to date a girl with a lazy eye. I had to break up with her. She was seeing somebody on the side.
Facts About Lazy People #389479305784 You were too lazy to read that number
So I was dating a girl who had a lazy eye It would have worked out, but it turns out she was seeing someone on the side
What do you call a fat kid with 3 teeth and a lazy eye? Names.
I was dating a girl with a lazy eye. Unfortunately I had to break up with her because she was seeing someone else on the side.
I used to date a girl with a lazy eye. I broke up with her, though. She was seeing someone on the side.
The scientific term for lazy eye is atchaphoria. One eye is looking atcha and the other is looking phoria.
Why can’t people with a lazy eye be teachers? They can’t control their pupils!
I was dating a girl with a lazy eye. Had to dump her tho. She was seeing someone on the side.
I once dated a girl with a lazy eye. We broke up because she was seeing someone else the entire time.
I used to date a girl with a lazy eye, I had to dump her because she kept seeing guys on the side.
It's not my fault that I'm lazy. It walks in the family.
I once dated a girl with a lazy eye. She was seeing someone on the side.
During an interview, the interviewer told me to describe myself using 3 adjectives. My response was... "Lazy."
My gf told me I should not say anything about her friend's right lazy eye When I met her friend I complimented her on how athletic her left eye was
Doctor gave me 3 months to live... I'm so lazy I missed the deadline, that was 4 months ago.
Why did the man break up with his girlfriend who had a lazy eye? Because she was seeing somebody on the side.
What kind of exercise do lazy people do? Diddly-squats.
I dumped my girlfriend who had a lazy eye I thought she was seeing someone on the side.
I just spoke to my lazy eye surgeon. I wish he was more energetic.
I was told by the vet that i had to put my cat down... So i went home to it and said "You're fat and lazy."
Today I was in the elevator with a guy who only rode to the second floor. He couldn't even bother to take one flight of stairs? How lazy. That's probably how he got to be in a wheelchair.
What kind of exercises do lazy people do? Diddly-squats
I had a crush on a girl with a lazy eye..... We never hooked up, she was always seeing someone else.
Did you hear about the lazy fry cook. With him a job well done was pretty rare.
Man: *walks into a lazy-boy recliner outlet with a valid certificate for “any single chair the possessor desires in exchange for one, ‘sit-down’ conversation[,]” and politely shows the manager.* Manager: “take a seat...”
Why all the hate against lazy people? They’ve done nothing to deserve it...
I am so lazy that don't complete anything. Not even..
I told my son that I wished he could fat, stupid and lazy for just one day because his being that way every day is getting old.
What do you call a lazy weed-user? A baked potato
What basketball team does a lazy high school student hate the most? The Pacers
I've been really lazy and goofing off all day... Turns out it was because when I got out of bed this morning I put on slacks.
As a lazy 26 year old, my motto is, if you know someone who wants to succeed as bad as they want to breathe they can probably get you a job
My supervisor at the nuclear plant is really lazy.
I just found out one of the reactors was malfunctioning and asked him what we were going to do about it.
His answer was "Well that sounds like a U problem".
I dumped a girl i was with because of her lazy eye Turns out we could never see eye to eye on anything.
One boy is so lazy He wakes up early so he can spend more time doing nothing.
The girl with a lazy eye I met today was looking just right ...and left
Never go out with someone with lazy eye. They'll always be seeing someone else on the side.
What do you call a lazy sikh? Relax Singh.
A recent study shows that out of 2,385,529,627 people. 85% were too lazy too read that number.
What type of exercise do lazy people do? Diddly-squats
My wife said I'm lazy... I almost told her how wrong she is.
Take Heart You’ll never be as lazy as whoever named the fireplace.
What did the bishop say to the lazy priest? You need to exorcise more.
I've always wanted to get the word LAZY tattooed on my left hand Ive just never gotten around to doing it.
If you have to describe yourself in one sentence what would it be? Lazy.
Three reasons I'm not rich: 1. I'm lazy.
What exercise do lazy people do? Diddly squats
A guy with a lazy eye is sitting at a bar...
drinking his sorrows away. The bartender notices the man is upset and asks, "What's wrong buddy?"
The guy says, "Well my wife left me, she thought I was seeing someone on the side."
What do you call a lazy wasp? A Wannabee
I never trust octagons. They're always lazy, just squares that cut all the corners.
What compound is found in a lazy person's brain? Sodium Procrastinate
My wife got mad at me because I said she was lazy. She says she so upset she's going to leave me, just as soon as I pack her suitcase.
What did the librarian say to the lazy student? read more...
The moon landings are staged and, in fact, completely created by a film crew and everything. The only thing is that the director was too lazy so he said just to film it on location.
I've had it with my girlfriend and her lazy eye. She keeps seeing guys on the side.
What do you call a lazy gangster? A potato Crip.
What do you call lethargic pasta?
Lazy anya
It was a stretch but I made it work I think
Edit: Please don't kill me
Where did the lazy quantum mechanics student say his project was in a box
A man is walking down a hallway when he accidentally bumps into a woman with a lazy eye... "Hey! Why don't you watch where you're going!" She exclaims. The man replies, "Why don't you go where you're watching?"
Did you hear about the lazy teacher who passed everybody in the class? He didn't give an F!
I recently dated a girl with a lazy eye. Had to dump her after a week though, I'm pretty sure she was seeing somebody on the side.
I know this one lazy mexican He also has three jobs..
A clothing store down the street from me has gotten really lazy with their customer service I just saw them put up a sign that says "Suit yourself!"
Starbucks staff are so lazy I only asked for a small coffee and they said "that's a tall order."
Why are Puerto Ricans & Mexicans discouraged from marrying each other? Bc their kids will be too lazy to steal.
My mule is pretty lazy... ... Always doing half-assed work.
Sarah, i understand that you are a feminist...
...but you can't end your prayer with "awomen" instead of "amen"
credits to an anonymous facebook post of which i was too lazy to read the name
People who process expired passports are so lazy
they’re always cutting corners.
(Joel Dommett)
Why do American's take letters out of words? Because they're lazy, and they hate U.
A funny worldwide survey A recent worldwide survey showed that out of 2,146,703,436 people, 94% were too lazy to actually read that number.
Lazy fact 25428394692846 You didn't read that number
What's the difference between a lazy overeater and a flirtatious emo?
One is Sloth the Gluttonous the other is Goth the Sluttiness.
Yep made that up on the way home today... Sorry.